As you may know from reading my journal over the last 9 years (or less) I have mood icons from various shows I enjoy.
I have mood icons for all but the following moods :
- accomplished
- blank
- cold
- complacent
- devious
- ditzy
- drained
- envious
- exanimate
- full
- groggy
- guilty
- hot
- indescribable
- intimidated
- lazy
- listless
- lonely
- mellow
- morose
- naughty
- nerdy
- nervous
- nostalgic
- numb
- optimistic
- predatory
- productive
- quixotic
- recumbent
- refreshed
- relieved
- rushed
- scared
- sick
- sore
- sympathetic
- thirsty
- tired
- touched
- weird
- working
Bigger than I thought! Quite a task ahead of me. I will update this as I whittle it down to nothing!