started at 9:46 AM, abandoned for Animal Crossing, and finished at 2pm.
I was in a deserted area, far away from civilization. There were two cars nearby but neither of them belonged to me. I was with other people: a man, a woman, another man, and perhaps some others. There was sand and dust everywhere-- a desert? It was daytime. It was dry.
A wild dog smells me and comes to chase me. I have a machete, or a scythe, and I slice its face off. There are more dogs approaching. I do not want to fight them all. The first man tells me to get in his car-- the woman is in the backseat behind the driver. I squeeze in through her door to the backseat passanger side, while the other man gets bit/grazed by another dog. The driver tells him to get inside too-- we're going to leave this place and try to find help. As he backs up he totals the other car. He does not care about the other people he's fucked over.
There is a virus going around, and the grazed man has been exposed to it. Zombieism? Slowly his skin turns the darkest shade of black. I have been explosed by being next to him, and slowly all of us in the car turn midnight black.
We're driving down a dusty, deserted road. I remember driving up it (before getting attacked by dogs) and it was busier-- the ride back is chillingly silent. I notice a car in the distance and deside to duck-- I am now where the driver should be (in America) but I am the passanger. I do not want others to know I have turned. I am tainted, and I feel I will get no sympathy from it... just pursecution. The others in the car ask me "Why bother? What's the point?" as we drive to a destination we do not yet know. We're just looking for civilization in this wasteland.
We arrive at a nice house. The first room we enter is covered in a foot or two of sand. There are children with us now (a boy and a small girl) and they play in it. I inspect the room. There's a bed, a closet, and all of this sand... I am under the impression it's a prayer room, but I have no proof. After everyone tires of the room I try to sweep out presense out of it by erasing our footsteps/handprints. There are animal tracks in the sand, birds of many kinds. The largest prints are the most pronounced. I end up sweeping over these prints too.
As I exit the room I am no longer tainted with the midnight curse of impurity. Neither are the rest of my family, who are there now: Mom, George (?), Aunt Agnes, and other people more distantly related to me. They are noisey in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. They are famiished and pleased to have found civilization after a long drought of wilderness, desperation, and hopelessness. I head speakers blairing: this isn't uncommon, as announcements are broadcasted every hour or so, but this announcement seems longer, more pronounced, almost directed at us...
I try to find a good listening spot, away from the hustle and bustle of inside. I navigate the house; it is very large. Past the white main hallway, past the bedrooms and livingrooms, I take stairs up to the next floor, and listen on a shared balcony between different houses. It reminds me of the layout of SLC's Main Library (gorgeous.) I hear the announcement, but it is strange...
"If anyplace in the world were hit with a disaster, the world would want to isolate the affected part. It's for worldwide safety, afterall. But this time /we/ were hit, so /we/ must be isolated and quaranteened..." I notice a blue van pull up to the next house over, and I see men in blue hazmat suits file out.
I am scared, I panic momentarily and want to just bolt. Instead, I think better of it and run back to the incredibly unsafe house and start saying "MNU! MNU!" to my family. Aunt Agnes takes little notice. I run to my mom, pass the screaming, playing children. "MNU! It's the MNU! There's a blue van outisde and they've come for us! WE NEED TO RUN!" She looks to me somewhat incredulously and laughs. "Natasha, why should we run away?" She doesn't believe they have their own agenda, she believes their job is to help people like her. I don't, so I run.
I run quietly back through the hallway and make a right. I take the last door I see and it leads me downstairs to a studio of sorts. The stairwell down is curved, and after the bend I come face to face with a unfinished painting. The room is very chic, and I am assualted by the fact that we are intruders into anothers home. I am terrified of how deserted everything is, like the owners left for the day and never came back. I make another right and find a bathroom of sorts. I hide behind the shower curtain and lay low in the tub, which was initially dry but is then filled 5 inches deep (or so) with water. I head a loud crash/thud, as if someone's skull is getting smashed in with a frying pan. I hear one loud, piercing scream as I huddle in the tub hoping no one finds me, yet expecting the worst.
And then I wake up. I do go back to sleep, however, almost exactly where I left off.
The men in blue hazmat suits have been replaced with machinegun weilding men. I am back in the deserted mansion (it has a studio and a bazillion rooms, it /must/ be a mansion) but my family isn't around. Another family is, though, and I witness the father and his son try to escape into the prayer room, which has been shifted. The floor is still covered in sand, but not so deeply. The walls have been replaced with large bay windows. I see an escape through the room, but the father and son are ahead of me. I hear and see gunfire, and the windows shatter. The father and son are gunned down repeatedly, even after it's apparent they're dead. I get on my belly and crawl slowly, trying to make sure I cannot be seen through the broken windows by the gunners outside. I crawl past their dead bodies (the father's sweater is soaked in blood, and I believe there was brain matter around them) and crawl to the north-most side of the room. I deside that since I am wearing a red sweater I should pretend to be dead, so I lay still and lol my tongue.
After a few minutes a person comes and throws dirt on me. As the dirt covers my body, I'm afraid to breathe-- won't cracks in the dirt betray me to an observant eye? I try to slow down my breathing, but I am panicing so it is difficult. A man comes by and takes a wet, sticky shit near me. Since my arms are thrown out in a corpselike fashion, his shit actually makes contact with my arm. I feel disgusted.Another man comes by and starts fondling my would-be corpse. I stay motionless while he caresses me, plays with my body, and deflies me. Eventually I can no longer keep the rouse of being dead and start to move slightly. He realizes I am alive and stops, and starts talking to me. I ask him what's going on and who he is, and he tells me he is a Marine and the military has come to "clean up." The architecture of the room has shifted, and there are long tables and benches full of Marines who were eating grub. In the northeast corner of the room was a pool of water, perhaps an outlet from a deep water well or something.
As he tells me they are Marines, I laugh sardonically. He asks me, "What, were your parents in the Army or something?" and I reply "No, but I used to date a Marine." I turn my back to the water, and when he asks me who, I reply "Corporal Boisvert." As I backflip into the water I notice a well trimmed head and think I might have spotted him. As I swim in the water, trying to clean feces from my arm and my hair, I realize I did in fact recognize him. As I surface, the Marine who molested my would be corpse leads me to Cpl. Boisvert. I am naked. Boisvert's higher up tells him to move me away from the other Marines, because I'm still dirty. As I move around his table, I feel like a possesion, and I wonder what will happen next.
So of course I wake up.