
Jul 12, 2005 20:25

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Comments 21

x_loobydooby_x July 12 2005, 19:27:34 UTC
Very sorry, i just realised unintentionally i posted a certain picture twice. X


yes yes yes! malibu_blonde July 12 2005, 19:34:50 UTC
You are so beautiful my little lou, and your skin is to die for!!
♥ ilu

ps sorry for my very orgasmic vote :p


Yes _romeos_juliet_ July 12 2005, 19:39:29 UTC
Although your application was all messed up, you're very pretty and I really like your style.

Good Luck♥


Re: Yes x_loobydooby_x July 12 2005, 19:41:06 UTC
Thank you, and yeah i slightly suck with this whole live journal thing although i'm practicing :-)
Thank you again.. xx


YES heeeeever July 12 2005, 19:41:20 UTC
I like your style, and even though only a few of those pictures show your face really well, you can still see how beautiful you are. and you can tell by the way you talk that you have an accent, and that's adorable :)


yes iwillbperfect July 12 2005, 20:20:58 UTC
I liked how natural you look.


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