The Magic Guild: New Business

Jul 28, 2009 20:26

Another day, another meeting at the Guild with the Council.

Only this time, Mia's steeled her resolve. It won't be long before she has her first ultrasound and gets to hear the baby's heartbeat, and not long after that, she'll surely start to show. And there are plans to make. Sooner or later, Mia will have to decide on maternity leave and, before that, she needs to prepare Draco and Nash to take her place. Not to mention it would probably be wise to work out a special schedule for Draco so that he could get used to parenthood himself.

So she waited.

"Are we finished with old business?" said the speaker of the Council.

There's a pause as no more old business is brought up.

"Any new business?"

There's a brief hesitation and a shuffling of papers from Council men looking for their new business before Mia speaks up.

"I'm pregnant."

All of the eyes are on her. Well, except for Draco and Nash, who already knew. Nash was taking notes on the meeting and continued to do so. Draco reached under the table and squeezed his wife's hand for reassurance.

The speaker stands.

"Pregnant, Majesty Mia?!" he asks, disbelieving.

She nods.

And then, the questions start pouring in: "Howlongwillyouworkuntilyourmaternityleave? Areyouabsolutelycertainthatyou'repregnant,MajestyMia? Howfaralongareyou? WillMasterNashorMasterDracobeinchargewhenyouareonyourleave? Thebabywillsurelybeagirl,right? Whatrenovationsneedtobemadetoyourlivingquarterstoaccommodatethebaby? WhichofyourPremierssiredyourchild? HaveyouseenLadyJessicaoranothermemberofAlthena'schurchaboutthis?"

"Please," Mia finally says, standing up. The exhaustion is almost tangible in her voice.

The questions trail off at that.

"The only matter I'm going to discuss with you in this meeting is my eventual maternity leave. I intend to start it during the winter holiday and plan to return once Master Draco and I have adjusted to the new addition to our family. In light of that, please take any classes that I would have had for the spring semester off of the roster. Everything else can wait for now."

She sits back down and holds her husband's hand again.

The speaker blinks again and sits down.

There's a long pause before he asks, "So...any other new business?"

In the face of that revelation, everyone else seemed to forget their new business.

Once they were adjourned, Mia sighs heavily, puts her hand to her head and goes, "By the Goddess, that was the longest meeting I've ever been in."
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