everybody else was doing it

Sep 25, 2005 20:44

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1) Does antwan2005 have a big secret? i wouldnt know that know would i
2) Does clubby_depinna do drugs? he doesnt have sex with drugs
3) Do you have rarolobo's screenname? yes
4) What mental disorder does the_finn remind you of? all of them
5) What animal does hybrid17e remind you of? a smart cynical one...
6) What word best describes jerbearhtl42? nerd
7) Does the_finn smoke? hahaha
8) If antwan2005 took over the world, who would suffer? paul connley
9) What is juliankun's favorite game? DDR
10) Where did you first meet ncolby22? camp
11) How long have you known pericoentrellas? 4 years?
12) Does thedishhead go to your school? no
13) What would ncolby22 give the_finn for his/her birthday? booze
14) Does embersofsummer have a dog? good lord no
15) erinzie_4's eye color? evil
16) Is skurfergirl a college student? yes
17) What rank would erinzie_4 have in a giant robot army? head robot's skank
18) What is embersofsummer's favorite food? im pretty sure its steak
19) What color should thedishhead dye their hair? fun
20) If jerbearhtl42 had a superpower, what would it be? being able to see through magic cards
21) Is rarolobo an emo? no
22) Is pericoentrellas introverted or extroverted? dunno.. but spencer has a whole in his chest
23) What do you disagree with antwan2005 about? taste in women
24) Where was brazenheart born? bowels of sarcasim
25) What is ncolby22's shoe size? drunk
26) If antwan2005 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? bryce
27) What animal should thedishhead be combined with? any
28) Would skurfergirl be a better ninja or pirate? ninja
29) Has ncolby22 dyed their hair? yes?
30) What video game does skurfergirl remind you of? kelly slater's pro surfer
31) Is antwan2005 a nerd? good lord yes
32) What would clubby_depinna do differently in your shoes? get women
33) What would pericoentrellas think of the_finn? what the ...?
34) Thoughts on antwan2005? WEEEEE
35) Is pericoentrellas related to erinzie_4? no
36) If the_finn commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? otakon
37) Is antwan2005 athletic? hehehe
38) Which of your friends should antwan2005 go out with? michelle
39) What is jerbearhtl42's favorite movie? potp
40) What song/movie would you recommend to ncolby22? a guide to becoming sober
41) If juliankun were hanging off a cliff, what would the_finn do? depends on if he was high or not
42) jerbearhtl42's hair color? geek
43) What planet should erinzie_4 be from? not this one
44) If foolsome took over the world, who would be happy? people who genjoy a good joke
45) Is rarolobo 1337? hells yeah
46) How would jerbearhtl42 kill skurfergirl? by beating her with 1337
47) What languages does pericoentrellas speak? english
48) Does clubby_depinna travel a lot? no
49) What is the_finn's favorite band/artist? i should know this
50) How tall is ncolby22? drunk
51) What is skurfergirl allergic to? not penis
52) What comic book character would antwan2005 be? spider man... when he runs out of web fluid
53) When did you last call brazenheart? phones scare me
54) Is brazenheart related to you? no
55) What flavor of jello would hybrid17e be? lime
56) What is skurfergirl's biggest flaw? too much boob
57) What exotic animal would jerbearhtl42 like as a pet? liger
58) Does jerbearhtl42 know pericoentrellas? no
59) What do you agree with clubby_depinna about? anything that makes me look unpopular
60) What is ncolby22's favorite color? drunk
61) Has embersofsummer been to your house/dorm? yes many a time
62) Is rarolobo friends with skurfergirl? they've met
63) Is juliankun your best friend? damn close
64) Does embersofsummer drink? tea
65) Is foolsome a high school student? no
66) If brazenheart and thedishhead were spliced together, what would be its name? Brent Hammerlee
67) What would you do if juliankun died? cry
68) Is foolsome popular? yes
69) How many monkeys could ncolby22 fight at once and win against? drunk
70) Which president would hybrid17e be likely to idolize? lincoln
71) Where was skurfergirl born? not next to me
72) Is embersofsummer in a relationship? phizahh
73) Is the_finn single? most likely
74) How would hybrid17e conquer the world? brains
75) If embersofsummer and thedishhead were spliced together, what would it be like? not good
76) Where would jerbearhtl42 most like to visit? wizards of the coast
77) Do antwan2005 and juliankun go to the same school? no
78) If ncolby22 and foolsome were siamese twins, where would they be joined? where colby could drink
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