With disgust! Actually one thing that helps is being able to work from home either all or part of the time. Are you able to do that at all? It can make the day a little more flexible (plus you don't have commute time) so you can squeeze some creation-time in.
how do you do a chalk effect for highlights in photoshop.
Do you have an example of what you're looking to make? I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but you can do a kind of rough, dusty looking "chalk line" like this (I like this way better than filters): 1) On a new layer, draw your line with a fairly soft/feathery brush. 2) Duplicate the layer. 3) Set the Blending Mode on the copied layer to Dissolve. 4) Lower the opacity on that layer if needed. 5) Merge the two layers and make sure the resulting merged layer is Normal Blending Mode. 6) Scale the layer down slightly which will soften the "dust." It ends up like this: http://img122.echo.cx/my.php?
Wow! Hero indeed! That is amazing. I bet he made a custom brush to do that. The closest approximation I can think of without a custom brush is maybe the Rough Pastels filter, faded out or blended a bit after it's applied?
Uhm, I dunno... My job pays ok ($18 an hour, Aus) and I don't drink, smoke, own a car etc... And it's not to expensive to live here in Western Australia.
I like the pic. It reminds me of that cartoon that use to come on either Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers. It was about this girl who lived in a kitchen. The girl was drawn but the kitchen was real. She would move around and do things. Do you know what I'm talking about? Congrats on ur job. You inspire me to not be so lazy :)
Comments 25
With disgust! Actually one thing that helps is being able to work from home either all or part of the time. Are you able to do that at all? It can make the day a little more flexible (plus you don't have commute time) so you can squeeze some creation-time in.
how do you do a chalk effect for highlights in photoshop.
Do you have an example of what you're looking to make? I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but you can do a kind of rough, dusty looking "chalk line" like this (I like this way better than filters):
1) On a new layer, draw your line with a fairly soft/feathery brush.
2) Duplicate the layer.
3) Set the Blending Mode on the copied layer to Dissolve.
4) Lower the opacity on that layer if needed.
5) Merge the two layers and make sure the resulting merged layer is Normal Blending Mode.
6) Scale the layer down slightly which will soften the "dust."
It ends up like this: http://img122.echo.cx/my.php?
( ... )
I'm thinking about painting on rocks right now, though. @_@
That's what being a working-stiff does to me.
But now I'm a working-semi-stiff (not going to dwell on that phrase much longer), as my new job is fewer hours. ^_^
I have combined my tv time and my drawing time... it's working out so far.
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