There are times when I'll approach the window and, for just a moment, not expect to see the lively City beyond it, but instead the garden surrounding my hive, and her flying through the trees, or perhaps emerging from a recent burrowing expedition. There are some positive changes to have happened since that time in addition to the negative, and yet I still feel disappointed to find that not the case.
She'd take me flying on occasion, or we'd do some baking at times. My favorite activity with her was when we'd have picnics out in the garden and I'd tell her about what books I was reading at the time.
And yet the two of you had a special rapport of your own, didn't you? Perhaps you should further outline this to me, what it was you in fact had rather than what you lacked.
[oh, there's not much point in fighting it. it's not like she minds.]
After I lost my sight she started talking to me in my dreams, teaching me how to smell the world around me. She was a wise and noble dragon and all, but she was also still just a baby in her egg so she was always really enthusiastic! It's pretty silly but back then I could never wait to get into my recuperacoon because I knew I would get to spend time with her...
I at time had similar feelings toward each evening's visit to Prospit. The process of sleep hasn't been quite the same without it.
I'm given the impress that the two of you developed a formidably close, cherished bond over the albeit short span you were given to spend with one another.
It can be more difficult when one considers how much earlier I awoke there. It was many sweeps before any of you others could be bothered to get out of bed!
There are times when I'll approach the window and, for just a moment, not expect to see the lively City beyond it, but instead the garden surrounding my hive, and her flying through the trees, or perhaps emerging from a recent burrowing expedition. There are some positive changes to have happened since that time in addition to the negative, and yet I still feel disappointed to find that not the case.
Did you do stuff together?
For a little while we communicated in dreams, wasn't like what you had.
I was the one that asked, though, so you shouldn't feel too bad about it.
[oh, there's not much point in fighting it. it's not like she minds.]
After I lost my sight she started talking to me in my dreams, teaching me how to smell the world around me. She was a wise and noble dragon and all, but she was also still just a baby in her egg so she was always really enthusiastic! It's pretty silly but back then I could never wait to get into my recuperacoon because I knew I would get to spend time with her...
I'm given the impress that the two of you developed a formidably close, cherished bond over the albeit short span you were given to spend with one another.
Haha, you could say that! Nothing against your mom or anything but I'm pretty sure mine was the best.
[a little beat in which she gives in to a fit of snickers.]
At least at sniffing things! I learned from a pro.
Did she have your same propensity for taste?
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