Of...o-o-of...someone, perhaps in close proximity, expressing inclinations of a more, um...
[ yeah she is just going to keep getting brighter here, trying to spit out the words. it's a fierce battle between her brain, her heart, and her tongue, and everyone is losing ]
[ oh god this is going badly why did she even try this was the stupidest idea ever god why is she so stupid she should just give up why is she not giving up yet ]
...Ones de-n-noting, uh, hopes of a more...flushed a-a-arrangement?
[ stupid terrible waste of time what were you even doing how could you be such an idiot stop bothering her get out get out get out ]
Well, um, let's just...not worry about that, then.
I, uh... [ she turns behind her to look at absolutely nothing in particular before facing ruka again ] ...I'm required elsewhere on a terribly important matter which calls for my immediate and hasty departure.
But I...do hope you'll not let my bothering you have an adverse effect on the remainder of your day.
kanaya gets a sidelong glance from ruka's good eye.
what. ]
[ she really hopes that glow isn't poisonous radiation. ]
I, um, well, wanted to, uh...
[ ...stall, yes, perfect. stalling is exactly what she wants to do ] ...inquire on how your day has progressed thus far!
[ it's harder to see the suspicion in ruka's expression for all the hair hanging in her face and in profile, but it is there. ]
... You?
[ oh god oh god oh god what does she do from here
she gets brighter, that's what she does ]
Might I inquire perhaps...how you might feel, um, if the possibility of...um...
[ yeah she is just going to keep getting brighter here, trying to spit out the words. it's a fierce battle between her brain, her heart, and her tongue, and everyone is losing ]
I suppose... it would depend on what sort of scarlet.
[ is this a euphemism for murder ]
...Ones de-n-noting, uh, hopes of a more...flushed a-a-arrangement?
[ ... oh. well this isn't awkward at all. ruka turns her head down. ]
... Apologetic, I think.
[ stupid terrible waste of time what were you even doing how could you be such an idiot stop bothering her get out get out get out ]
Well, um, let's just...not worry about that, then.
I, uh... [ she turns behind her to look at absolutely nothing in particular before facing ruka again ] ...I'm required elsewhere on a terribly important matter which calls for my immediate and hasty departure.
But I...do hope you'll not let my bothering you have an adverse effect on the remainder of your day.
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