(no subject)

Aug 24, 2004 21:20

to follow Amy's lead again:

tv show of the summer: comedy central in general (conan o'brien maybe?)
band of the summer: Radiohead
new band of the summer: hmm, The Decemberists (but they were an early summer discovery)
songs of the summer: Drive My Car (Beatles, Hyannis Sound cover), Creep (Radiohead), Chimbley Sweep, Red Right Ankle, Bachelor and the Bride (The Deemberists), I Love How You Love Me (Neutral Milk Hotel), Who Will Save Your Soul (no idea...UPenn Off the Beat cover) annnd Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
event of the summer: so far, VI (vocal institute at Westminster Choir College), but playing secret agents with Beth, the Esplanade and playing secret agents with Beth rocked too.
most fun time of the summer: MOST fun? Probably performing at Princeton U Chapel (VI concert) or one of the above...
thing that makes summer worthwhile: Summer in general (or the "summer"y part, not doing stuff etc.)? Sleeping late and no homework (yay for procrastinating on the summer reading) for the most part. This summer in particular? Having the epiphany (or more accurately, the confirmation) that I want to go into choral conducting or at least vocal performance.
people of the summer: Well, the crew is always my favorite bunch of people, but surprisingly we haven't had a proper group hangout since the Esplanade, unless playing poker at Bill's counts (but that was just Bill and Jessi and I). Sigh. I miss those cuties. I think that the VI crowd wins (Ava, Matt, Deb, George, Thom, Aimee, Dave, Dave II, Marguerite, Justin...ooh yeah). Rockin'.
activity of the summer: singing all the time, going to Boston with Zachie, Tanglewood/Kristen concert with Jennie, getting a job, going to Proof and Shake A Spear, hanging out at the playground, staying up all night on the phone...
food of the summer: SMILEY FRIES! and ice cream of course
movie of the summer: Donnie Darko because I saw it with Jessi. Don't think I've seen any other movies...oh, Spiderman 2 was kickass.
toy of the summer: the computer as always :-p
book of the summer: eeew nothing good for once. perhaps the spy book Matt was reading, or How to Be a Villain.
best place of the summer: in someone's arms for a short time, but I predict it will be at my party when we finally have a crew reunion. maybe Seabrook Lounge at VI, everywhere else was a little icky.
person seen least all summer: It was Ilana until she got back...probably Jon, though I don't usually expect to see the chap. Bill I guess.
person seen most all summer: Jessi I *think*, maybe Kas. Luckily we've done some stuff.
website of the summer: Little Fluffy, my forums, LJ
bitch of the summer: myself, I think (or summer reading!!!)
most interesting time of the summer: VI or all these new things in my life
most time spent of the summer: June: on phone with Chris; July: singing; August: on the friggin computer
overall best thing of the summer: June: Chris;July: VI; August: er not much yet, probably hanging on through all the little times with friends.
classic moment of the summer: listening to Ava read Mitch quotes

So what did I do this summer?

Ilana's bday, hung out with her and Chris.
Ilana's bday party
went to see Hyannis Sound with Cordell, Jessi and Bill
hanging out at the bowling alley and the playground with Chris
the Esplanade with Jon, Kas, and Ilana
hanging out at the playground with Jessi and Ilana
Westminster Choir College Vocal institute (smiley fries, Seabrook lounge, the huge bug, Deb and her lollipop, Six Flags, the Matt and Steph saga, Ava and her Mitch quotes, Ava's hip, Thom and his goddess-ness, George and his chess/tight pajama pants, conducting, piano - Eunice!, alto voice class, sectional, full choir, the amazing Ms. Li and Dr. Megill, "hot buns" Brennfleck, and soooo much more...)
my lovely introduction to Avenue Q, Aida, Wicked, and more
my less than lovely introduction to the realm of betrayal and infidelity
Music Theater...Jo, Joe, Aimee, and those fun times.
applying for jobs with Jessi
interview/hiring at McDonalds
Kas staying over
Donnie Darko with Jessi
Spiderman 2 and its accompanying memories
job orientation
redesigning the Lions bulletin
Shake a Spear with Jessi
Boston with Zachie
secret agents with Ilana
Tanglewood with Jen
hanging out with Kas and Cordell in the chorus room, going through music

and what's to come this week?

more work
Shake A Spear with Kas
hopefully seeing Bill before school
my surprise party ;-)
hurrying up to do summer reading, dammit
the last day of sun and fun...then school.
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