NAME: hallie.
AGE: nineteen.
IM: maidoftime@aim.
E-MAIL: a.halcyon.queen@gmail.com
xuffasch and
CHARACTER NAME: Clint Francis Barton ; Hawkeye.
FANDOM: Marvel 616.
CHRONOLOGY: Hawkeye & Mockingbird #1.
CLASS: Hero ; he'll likely keep the tags.
ALTER EGO: Clint Barton.
The Marvel universe is full of the fantastic and out-of-the-ordinary: mutants and Norse gods, alien invasions and world-altering phenomena. Crime fighters and superheroes are par for course, including the likes of Spiderman, Thor, Captain America and Iron Man. Perhaps the most famous superhero collective in this world is the Avengers, and it is within the context of this group that Hawkeye gains importance. However, perhaps the most significant thing about the Earth’s Mightiest Marksman is that in a world of gods and aliens and superbeings, he is exceedingly and almost failingly human.
Clinton Francis Barton was the younger of two sons born to the Barton family in Waverly, Iowa. His father was an alcoholic, and one day this had tragic consequences for not only him but also his wife, when they were both killed in a car accident. Clint and his elder brother, Barney, were sent to an orphanage, but after several years there the two decided that no one really wanted grown children, and they did the logical thing: they ran away and joined the circus. Clint soon caught the eye of two performers: the Swordsman and Trick Shot. It was from these two mentors that he would learn to be a master archer. However, Clint then found out that the Swordsman was embezzling from the circus, and when he tried to stop him his mentor beat him near to death and left him. Clint was hospitalized for a while, and it was at this point that his relationship with Barney and Trick Shot first became strained.
Clint, now using the stage name “Hawkeye,” joined the Coney Island Circus. Inspired by the exploits of new superhero Iron Man, Clint decided to also become a costumed hero. In the first of what would be a long list of accidental failures, the new Hawkeye was mistaken for a thief. While on the run, he met the Black Widow, who was then a Russian spy. Falling in love with her, he agrees to help her steal Stark Industries technology. After a few battles with Iron Man, Black Widow is seriously injured, and Clint flees with her in order to save her life. She, however, disappears, affectively abandoning him, and from then on Clint decides to return to the straight and narrow.
After meeting and rescuing the Avengers’ butler, Edwin Jarvis, Hawkeye breaks into the Avengers Mansion and clears his name, becoming part of the team. Iron Man sponsors his membership, and he becomes an Avenger along with Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch under Captain America’s leadership. Clint has a bit of an issue with authority, which leads to clashes with the Captain. Eventually, however, Clint comes to respect Steve as a friend, mentor, and leader. However, it isn’t always easy being the non-super-powered one. When Hawkeye’s bow breaks in battle, he utilizes the Pym Particles developed by Hank Pym to become Goliath, a hero who can grow to giant sizes. Under this guise, Clint is reunited with his brother Barney, who at first seems to be a racketeer but is in fact an undercover FBI agent working to take down villain Egghead. Tragically, Clint doesn’t learn any of this until after Barney has been killed.
Still as Goliath, Clint and the Avengers manage to take down Egghead as well as Clint’s former mentor, Swordsman. Goliath was heavily involved in the Kree-Skrull War, and it was after this conflict that he resumed the identity of Hawkeye, apparently because the clash of so many overpowered beings makes him realize that being the normal guy might not be so bad. There are some more minor adventures with the Avengers at this point, but when he feels his affections are spurned by the Scarlet Witch (who by this time has begun a romance with fellow Avenger, Vision), Clint leaves the team for a time.
After this Clint goes on some solo adventures. Notable occurrences include clashing with Daredevil over the Black Widow, teaming up with the Hulk, joining Dr. Strange’s “Defenders,” and attending Scarlet Witch and Vision’s wedding. When Avengers begin disappearing, Clint returns to the team and ends up being the one to single-handedly defeat the Collector. However, Hawkeye is then replaced by Falcon on the Avengers, and goes to be head of security for Cross Tech. In a team-up with Ant Man, Clint inadvertently ends up killing Egghead with an exploding arrow.
After returning to Cross Tech, Hawkeye meets a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent named Bobbi Morse, aka Mockingbird. The two team-up to take down villain Crossfire, and are successful (though Clint’s hearing is apparently ruined by use of one of his sonic arrows). Almost immediately, Clint and Bobbi elope on her suggestion, and the two set up a base in Los Angeles, where they lead the new West Coast Avengers. However, Mockingbird is then kidnapped by Lincoln Slade who brainwashes and violates her. In their conflict, Bobbi allows him to fall to his death. When she admits this to Clint, he-very hypocritically-calls her morals into question, and Bobbi leaves and the two separate.
In subsequent battles with Crossfire, Clint reconciles with former-mentor Trick Shot, whom he learns has a life-threatening cancer. Mockingbird also returns to fight Crossfire, and it is after this that Clint apologizes and the two seemingly reconcile. The West Coast Avengers face their greatest challenge when they are caught up in the clash between Mephisto and Satannish. The team manages to banish the two back to their realm, but Mephisto ends up shooting Mockingbird, who dies protecting Clint. Embittered by his wife’s death, Clint leaves the team, which disbands, and then goes on a sabbatical in the Canadian Rockies. It’s like a wilderness retreat of manliness. He eventually returns to the Avengers just before the battle with Onslaught; it is at this point that Franklin Richards moves all heroes to a pocket dimension to save them before they realize they aren’t in their own world anymore. This is when Clint regains his hearing entirely due to being replicated from Richards’ memory.
Hawkeye returns to the Avengers again, but then leaves to become the leader of the Thunderbolts, a group of former-villains who had been under Baron Zemo’s control. Hawkeye trains them as Captain America trained him, and the team ends up being quite successful. Clint, at this point, begins a relationship with Karla Sofen, or Moonstone, a member of the team. The team later literally goes to hell to rescue Mockingbird’s soul, which they can’t find. Clint, vying for full pardons for his formerly-villainous team, turns himself over in their stead. The team disbands for a time, then comes back together. Clint leaves them under the leadership of Citizen V (who is actually still evil and being controlled, whoops).
Then it is back to the Avengers, and a brief fling with Wasp. Scarlet Witch is going mad due to her powers, and summons a Kree warship. During battle with the ship, Hawkeye is severely injured, but throws himself into the ship’s engines, sacrificing himself to save the team. When Wanda alters reality, Clint is revived with no memories of previous events until they are restored by Layla Miller. Furious, he shoots Wanda in the back with an arrow, only to be erased from existence by one of her children. When Wanda’s reality is undone, Clint is presumed dead.
Except that no one is ever dead, not really. Clint is actually alive, and goes to visit the now apparently de-powered Scarlet Witch. They get intimate, he leaves her to be happy, and then returns to chaos of Civil War and Steve Rogers’ apparent death. After confronting Iron Man about this, he takes on Cap’s shield and costume, only to be told off about this by Kate Bishop, the new Hawkeye and member of the Young Avengers. Clint then joins the New Avengers as Ronin, a samurai-like persona. It is as Ronin that he and the other New Avengers discover a Skrull ship of captive heroes, including Mockingbird. However, this Mockingbird is apparently a Skrull in disguise, but after the invasion is defeated the real Bobbi does return after apparently being held captive by the Skrulls for three years.
After the Skrull War, things remain insane as Norman Osborn has taken control of national security and started his own group of Avengers. In typical Clint fashion, he refuses to deal with things logically and de-masks on television, denouncing Osborn. He becomes the leader of the New Avengers, but they give him some majorly unsure looks when he announces that the only way to defeat Osborn is to kill him. Clint decides to take on the Dark Avengers on his own, manages to do so, but then is captured and tortured by villain Mentallo. After Osborn tries to lay siege to Asgard and fails, the Avengers are reassembled and Clint officially becomes Hawkeye again.
Now in the Heroic Age, Hawkeye serves as both an Avenger and a member of the World Counter-terrorism Agency, led by Mockingbird.
Some people have two faces, and keep their secrets close to the chest while letting a different persona face the world. Clint Barton is not one of these people. With him, what you see is, for the most part, what you get. When he’s happy, he shows it in no uncertain terms. When he’s angry with someone, they know it. And when he’s made a decision, it is usually finite and fairly obvious. On a regular basis, he’s fairly easy to get along with, if a bit hard-headed and impulsive. He has a rugged sort of charm, however, and most people warm up to him eventually.
In a lot of ways, Clint is the epitome of male ego. He doesn’t like being challenged, or feeling inadequate. Unfortunately, he is often surrounded by people who seem more impressive than he is (they’re geniuses, or superpowered, or rich, or educated, or all of the above). In circumstances such as these, it makes sense that Clint would have to strive to prove himself. Sometimes it seems like he clashes with people just for the sake of it, just to prove he isn’t frightened or intimidated by them. He can be argumentative to an almost useless extent, and often is contrary for seemingly no good reason.
But, despite all this, Clint possesses some clear and solid qualities that make him an excellent leader and a good man. For one, he is tenacious and dedicated, almost to a fault. He trained to become the world’s greatest marksman, and he met that goal with nothing other than hard work and some innate talent. That tenacity has characterized a lot of the rest of his life, as well. He has a lot of loyalty to the people who earn it, and while this loyalty sometimes costs him, for the most part it is an asset. He is honest, and open with people, and because he makes no show of guarding his emotions it is easy to know where one stands with him.
That being said, Clint is famous for making impossibly bad decisions. Despite wanting to be a hero, he allowed himself to be coerced into villainy by the beautiful Black Widow. Though his entire team warned him against it, he tried to take on Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers singled-handedly. He went and found Bobbi’s family despite her orders for him not to. The list goes on and on, because Clint often doesn’t think before he acts. However, it must be said that when Clint feels as though he’s made a mistake, he does everything within his power to right it.
So, in total: Clint is a man who has made mistakes, and knows this. He is impulsive, brash, sometimes rude, always rough around the edges. Despite this, he is amazingly loyal and persistent, and loves wholeheartedly (and a lot; the guy’s a total flirt). He leads incredibly well, but doesn’t take orders too easily. He’s headstrong, impulsive, and doesn’t like being challenged. He also has a fierce temper and a steely resolve, and has been pushed to the point of taking lives. He’s a little bit of everything, essentially.
In canon, Clint is pretty much human and has no preternatural powers (aside from his stint as Goliath, but those powers are gone now). Instead, he is an expertly trained marksman, and utilizes trick arrows to do battle. After he took on the Ronin identity, he also became more of a skilled spy and swordsman. Usually, he carries his quiver, bow, and a short sword on his person.
In the city, he will gain the following non-canon abilities:
➵ Power Amplification. By being in close proximity with others, Clint could potentially amplify the effects of their powers. For instance, a telepath might have a larger range when in his company, or someone with super strength would be a fraction stronger. With focus, he could control whose powers were amplified and with what intensity, but this focus would take a lot of patience to gain (and Clint has no patience).
➵ Boomerang Bow. If Clint is ever separated from his bow for longer than five minutes, it will reappear back in his hands/on his back. If he throws it away from him, it will still come back. There is no getting rid of this thing.
➵ Purple Touch. If Clint maintains physical contact with any inanimate object for longer that five minutes or so, it will begin to turn purple. This effect will fade within a day or two afterwards. It can be controlled through concentration however, and does not always activate immediately.
( surprise, it’s a video! see clint standing a little ways outside the porter building, looking none too pleased. his mask is off, his face is scrunched up in a scowl, and he’s shaking his head in disbelief. )
You know, just once, I wish someone would ask before yanking a guy away from what he was doing and dropping him down somewhere else. I had some important things to get done today, too. I made a list and everything. Grab some coffee, run a few miles, get ready for my date…
Speaking of which, I have to be back by tonight, or someone’s going to be pretty pissed off. And believe me, whatever this place’s problem is, it’s nothing compared to what I’ll be in for if I’m late.
( he breaks off that line of thought with a fond sort of chuckle, then rubs the back of his neck with one hand as he glances down skeptically at the communicator. after a moment, he heaves a sigh. )
Alright, alright. Can I at least get a roll-call, or something? Sound off, who’s here, who’s missing, and what the hell are we doing about all this?
It had been about five minutes since Clint had gotten his dog tags and pamphlet and been ushered out the door. A bit stunned, he stood outside the porter building looking between the skyline and the communicator and back again, as if one of these things would suddenly become sentient and answer his many, many questions.
Yeah, he wasn’t holding his breath for that. Despite being fond of adventure, he was not happy with being dragged around. As if in retaliation, he turned around and gave the side of the building a swift kick. The only thing that gained him was an aching toe.
“Pull it together, Barton,” he muttered under his breath. “It’s not like this is the strangest thing to ever happen to you.”
So, first things first, he thought sternly. The dog tags were nothing remarkable, though he found the idea of being labeled or registered in any way distinctly unnerving. The pamphlet, he decided just as quickly, was a load of crap. So it got torn in two and tossed in a nearby trashcan. (Concern for the environment was apparently lost when one was in such predicaments). That left the communicator, and the City itself.
“Seems familiar enough,” he decided after a moment. And after being pulled through space and time and god knew what else, there was only one thing to do upon arriving in a city sort of like New York.
Five minutes later, Clint was sitting on a curbside eating a heavily-garnished hotdog. The vendor hadn’t been particularly taken aback by the costume and mask, so Clint decided that capes were old hat, here. Which made sense, now that he worked it out-pulled here for a reason, and all that.
The hotdog was gone in another two minutes. Now that he’d seen something of the City, the only thing left was the small device. It had been tossed unceremoniously into a compartment on his quiver as he’d explored, but now as he pulled it out again he noticed something a bit odd.
“…when the hell did it get that color?”
Clint stared at his now very purple communicator and ran one hand through his hair. It was going to be a long day.
hi mod-chans i love you?