Well, Yeah. Because I realised this was a really, really convenient and efficient way of dealing with this (and because I'm a sheep) I did that table thing. So VOILA - Kohaku icons.
tragicamente or
here 100/100
WARNING - INCESTY icons ahead. Not all, but some.
[1 kiss]
[2 forgiveness]
[3 soft]
[4 are you there?]
[5 loneliness]
[6 working]
[7 dancing]
[8 abandoned]
[9 A misunderstanding]
[10 vacation]
[11 hug]
[12 smile]
[13 tears]
[14 rain]
[15 sunshine]
[16 winter]
[17 innocence]
[18 so far away]
[19 silence]
[20 stars]
[21 in the moonlight]
[22 tickle]
[23 sweet dreams]
[24 blue]
[25 honorable]
[26 walls]
[27 happiness]
[28 sensual]
[29 food]
[30 over the rainbow]
[31 take your time]
[32 sugar and spice]
[33 holiday]
[34 beginner's luck
[35 forgotten]
[36 misery loves company]
[37 comfort]
[38 candy]
[39 present]
[40 hold my hand]
[41 spiritual]
[42 starving]
[43 joy]
[44 heaven]
[45 31 flavors]
[46 silk]
[47 keeping a secret]
[48 open doors]
[49 lace]
[50 forever and a day]
[51 Posessed]
[52 Carefree]
[53 Bright]
[54 Hunter]
[55 Tainted]
[56 Servant]
[57 :D]
[58 Black and White]
[59 Angel]
[60 Guidance]
[61 Proud]
[62 Forget]
[63 Boy]
[64 Love]
[65 Waiting]
[66 Despair]
[67 Strong]
[68 Longing]
[69 Distance]
[70 Dreams]
[71 Pairing]
[72 Unexpected]
[73 Broken]
[74 Alike]
[75 Destiny]
[76 Sin]
[77 Light]
[78 Pain]
[79 OMG]
[80 Slayer]
[81 Deadly]
[82 Questions]
[83 Puppet]
[84 Fantasy]
[85 Picture]
[86 Caught]
[87 Skill]
[88 Stranger]
[89 Mistake]
[90 Cute]
[91 Home]
[92 Trapped]
[93 Speed]
[94 Lost]
[95 Daring]
[96 Not what it seems]
[97 Deep]
[98 Jealous]
[99 Jailbait]
[100 Always]