So, I saw this little questionaire over at the Savage Worlds boards and I thought it was neat and a lot of my LJ friends are gamers of one sort or another, so here it is
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"* Favorite miniature game? - Don't have one yet. May get into Concentration."
I found Confrontation to be very...European. It's not intuitive and I had a really hard time getting into it. Also, Rahkam minis are nice but EXPENSIVE!
If I may suggest a cheaper (free!) alternative, Wargames Unlimited offers a free fantasy wargame (No Quarter) and a free Sci-Fi wargame (No Limits).
I hear you on EXPENSIVE. But, my DM is into them, and they are really, really cool looking to paint - if you have multiple 10/0 and 5/0 brushes and oodles of time. Which I don't but, uh, I guess I'm still interested?
Comments 6
I found Confrontation to be very...European. It's not intuitive and I had a really hard time getting into it. Also, Rahkam minis are nice but EXPENSIVE!
If I may suggest a cheaper (free!) alternative, Wargames Unlimited offers a free fantasy wargame (No Quarter) and a free Sci-Fi wargame (No Limits).
I will be running No Limits at BisbeeCon. I'm itching to try it before then, actually. (hint, hint) ;)
Both games are FREE and let you field whatever miniatures you happen to have. I love that!
"* Favorite game that does not fall into any of the above catagories? - Once Upon a Time, the storytelling game."
We have had a few really good games of this. We got the Dark expansion, too. Good stuff.
Tell me about this Dark expansion. Sounds cool.
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