The rules below are to be read before applying, and followed during the course of this game.
● Do not cross the OOC/IC line. EVER. This applies to both ooc/ic drama, and ooc/ic knowledge. Should you cross it, you'll be given one warning. Then you're out.
● Respect and maturity are a must. If you can't treat the game and the other players with such, then this is not the game for you.
● This game is going to thrive off of relationships, scandals, and other IC drama. Please don't take any of it personal. Doing do ruins the fun - so don't be a fun crusher.
● Don't Godmod - the big things or the little things. If someone takes the time to write something, whether it be a small detail or large one, ignoring it is absolutely rude.
● When picking up major story lines, play them out as tastefully as you can. Do your research before your character goes through rape, drug/alcohol/physical abuse, dramatic past, or an eating disorder. A pinch of realism never hurt anybody.
● No one liners. They're difficult to write off of. Instead give your fellow rp'er a minimum of three to five lines. They'll appreciate it.
● Spell check and proper grammar are your best friends. Do them justice.
● Keep OOC chitchat in brackets. (), {}, or [], would be great. Italics don't show up on sidekicks, so trying using asterisks in their place.
● The current character limit is two - one from the series, and one pb. Or two pb's, it is your choice.
● Every character needs a different aim screen name and journal to avoid confusion. Screen names can be shared, so long as they have something to with your character. Journals should be clean, contain your character's name in some form and end in "_xo" to associate with this community. Example:
basshole_xo works for Chuck Bass.
● Place a disclaimer in the user info of your character's journal stating that the journal is fake. Friends lock all entries.
● Update checks are twice a month. To prevent getting removed, update with one sizable paragraph within each two week period.
● Het, Slash, and Femmeslash are all allowed. Given mod approval, female pregnancy is allowed for Adults. Not high school students. Mpreg is a no, but gay couples are allowed to adopt. Marriage is a yes for any couple, regardless of orientation, so long as both partners are over the age of eighteen and have been together for two months.
● Character death is not allowed. Neither is suicide. Suicide attempts are, but within reason and mod consent.
*These rules are subject to change should the mod see fit, in an attempt to better run the game*