Right, so Christmas was pretty fantastic. I got some new clothes that weren't from the maternity section. Some socks, which is less awesome but still good, and SEASON FIVE OF SUPERNATURAL ON BLU-RAY/DVD. Omfg, I almost died of joy.
Samuel Mason got piles of things from various relatives, although, of course, he was far more interested in the boxes then what was actually inside the things. ;D Silly boy.
HE'S SO BIG NOW. D: I had a nightmare about him going to kindergarten and I was left all alone all day with nothing to do and no one to tickle. TT^TT
FUNNY THINGS: We, my husband and Sam and I, were walking back from the store and it was fairly windy out. We reached the door and everything was going fine when a sign I had taped to the wall next to door blew half off and slapped him in the face.
I laughed for five minutes, not even kidding.
That happened a few days ago. This happened today: I was lying on the couch wit
h my husband in between my legs, NOT SEXUALLY OUR KID WAS IN THE ROOM GODDAMMIT YOU PERVS, and he was petting my thigh and the lumpy ick that used to be a relatively flat stomache. And then his finger went right through the crotch of my pants.
What the frickin' hell, man. D: I LIKED these pants. They were kinda old, but still. They were awesome.
And there was something else, but I can't remember it. XD
Happy Belated Holidays, Everyone.
got-fanfiction :3