Couple of things that I just want to talk about because I couldn't include it in the story or was just too lazy to include it then.
The song. I'm a big, BIG fan of 50's and 60's music. Anything under the categories of classical, Broadway and vocalists; IE. Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole, Peggy Lee, James Darren ect.. Anyways, when I realized that I was going to do the orange generation for the Tecza's I remembered that I had a song from Natalie Cole, Orange Colored Sky which I thought was perfect because I like to share my eclectic music and it just fit the story that was forming in my head for Seville. And that's the story of Orange Colored Sky.
Seville from the start for me was all about having a family. I actually added slots for him after having him go to "college" on his way to me. So out of the 5 wants slots he 3 to 4 of them was always fall in love, get married, and once he was married to have babies! After that want was fulfilled the other one rolled right up. I really did not want to give him any more children after Henna and Sepia since they were natural born twins and well, I only needed two but ACR took care of the rest for me and even after five kids Felyshilla kept rolling the want for another one! Geez! Family sims. So instead of having them get pregnant again (I kept my eyes on them like a hawk since they were both home) I adopted.
Speaking of Nike. Yes, that's really her name that she came with. Fawn and Nike did not get along at all while they were children and they barely started to get along when they were at the end of their teen years. I didn't dress her in the generation 5 colors as I ran out of outfits at the time and she was never a contender for heir ship.
Fawn really did have middle child syndrome. She was one of those toddlers that forever followed her parents around asking for attention and when she was a child she used to always want to show off. Very annoying. In her teens she would always do the "Yeah, that's right" hand point to self, whenever someone payed her a compliment. Conceited is the way I would describe this girl.
The boys were basically ignore from the time they could crawl. I think they're the only natural born kids that didn't learn how to walk and talk in toddler hood. I always have them learn to potty so that I won't be bothered with dirty diapers and it helped a lot that both Seville and Felyshilla were both work from home parents.
I had a lot of fun with this family, Sepia and Henna are complete opposite from their declared aspirations. Sepia is a Family Sim but was constantly rolling Romance Sim wants and thanks to the magic of ACR she had multiple WooHoo before adulthood all while being in a steady relation ship. She was also a bit bossy towards Henna when they were growing up. When Henna wanted to play with her, Sepia would always do that "Nuh uh, talk to the hand" gesture but she always talked Henna to play when she wanted it. At the same time she was very nurturing to Fawn when fawn was a toddler, rolling the want to sing nursery rhyme.
Henna is a Romance Sim and a pretty outgoing according to her personality but she was never interested in romantic stuff. Everything was "Gain X skill!", "Learn X", "Go Running/Hiking/Bug hunting" Plus she always had the "shy" sim reaction when I would tell her to interact with anyone. She also liked girls instead of boys but never got even a first kiss. Ever. Poor Henna spent most of her days fishing.
Seville was the one that earned pretty much all of the vacation mementoes except the ninja. Any time I found him in the lot he's leave before I could click on him.
Hobby Plaques Achieved:
Arts and Crafts (or whatever the creativity one is)