I've been addicted to sims again and I mean HARDCORE playing, though I haven't been posting. When I saw that the new February Founders for
pixel_trade haven't been posted yet I got this strange urge to make some!
You can do whatever you want with my sims. No permission needed. No need for credit, I don't care. :) I've added their aspirations and personalities for those that like to download sims with something to go by, but honestly you can do whatever you want.
CC is included with CC download, please use with
Sims2pack Clean Installer if you don't want anything extra added to your DL folder. None CC download contains only defaults.
While making these sims for some reason this whole back-story started spinning in my head about them and it started with Forsythia being a half human, half *insert something magical here*, and she's been fighting the forces of her evil cousin, Tamarind, for hundreds of years and now they're in modern day times and she's in hiding. So that's where Forsythia came to be.
Forsythia Hoan No CC|
Forsythia Hoan WITH CCCC Forsythia comes with
freckled skin by
jesstheex &
custom eyes by
juri_anneNo CC Forsythia comes with default S3 & dark blue eyes
So, Tamarind Amles is the evil cousin who was first in line to the throne of *insert magical place here* and then came cousin Sythia and ruined everything. But by some "lucky" turn of events, Forsythia's parents died, along with Tamarind and as Tamarind was the oldest she inherited the crown by default. Though there are still some supporters for Forsythia and Tamarind has made it her life long mission to destroy her before she's ever brought to the throne.
Tamarind Amles No CC|
Tamarind Amles WITH CCCC Tamarind comes with
freckled skin by pooklet and custom eyes by
juri_anneNo CC Tamarind comes with default S3 & light blue Eyes
*Author's note:
This was the first time I've ever spent so much time photo-shopping pictures for preview so, even though they're ridiculously simple and I messed up a bit on them, I love the way they look and would like to say THANK YOU
leenyland for her cropping tutorial which gave me the idea to try some things out to get the picture the way I have it.
Second, even though Forsythia is the good sim, I'm madly in love with Tamarind. I don't know why. She's just pure evil to me.
That is all, I hope if you do download I hope you enjoy.