gotasweettooth Sep 23, 2010 15:41
what: best laid plans, what: holidays are the best, sixwordstories, open, what: trying to figure things out, ic, where: the big applesauce
gotasweettooth Sep 20, 2010 17:40
open, meme, would you hit that, ic, what: hammer gets nailed
gotasweettooth Sep 13, 2010 19:35
what: best laid plans, sixwordstories, open, ic, what: holidays are the best, who: my favorite doll, kafka verse, what: consider me a jet-setter, what: relationships are hard
gotasweettooth Sep 11, 2010 16:46
sixwordstories, open, what: trying to figure things out, who: complex tony issues, ic, what: am i weirdness magnet, what: double life difficulties, who: my favorite doll, kafka verse
gotasweettooth Sep 09, 2010 00:06
sixwordstories, what: maybe such thing as bad publicity, what: fml, ic, who: corporate snow queen, who: die baxter die, kafka verse, who: idk my bff penny
gotasweettooth Sep 06, 2010 19:33
sixwordstories, what: brb brain rebooting, open, what: oops how inconveniant, who: death kindly stops for me, ic, what: am i weirdness magnet
gotasweettooth Sep 03, 2010 17:27
what: best gif ever, ooc, fyi, what: bust a move
gotasweettooth Sep 01, 2010 00:02
sixwordstories, what: oops how inconveniant, what: fml, ic, where: the big applesauce, what: double life difficulties, kafka verse, where: i heart monaco
gotasweettooth Aug 29, 2010 01:31
sixwordstories, open, ic, who: corporate snow queen, what: double life difficulties, what: i enjoy not being a girl, who: death kindly stops for me, kafka verse, what: fun in the sun, where: i heart monaco, who: idk my bff penny
gotasweettooth Aug 27, 2010 00:33
sixwordstories, open, ic