Comment fic meme #2

Mar 05, 2012 15:28

After the first round of got_exchange we had a surprisingly successful comment fic meme going for a while (here's a list of all the fics that were written last time), so I thought it might be fun to do this again. (Like last time, it's posted on the mod account journal because I don't want to enable anonymous comments on the exchange community.)

I changed the ( Read more... )

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Jaime, Arya eenaangel March 5 2012, 20:21:08 UTC
He does not hear his name in that litany of hers. He pushed her brother threw a window, ambushed her father, and waged war on her family.

She should have added it by now . . .

(Not a pairing, per se, though if that is the way it goes, I would prefer a much older Arya).


FILL: Jaime, Arya; "The Shadow"; PG-13 (Part One) lainemontgomery March 9 2012, 23:11:24 UTC
[This is a gen Jaime + Arya story, with implied Jaime/Sansa undertones.]

Jaime enters the Great Hall of Winterfell in the earliest morning hours, still shuddering from the bracing cold of the training fields. He drops down onto a bench and shunts his longsword to the side as he tucks his shoulders in and winces- it’s just as bloody cold inside as it is out...maybe even colder.

It’s barely after sunrise, and he quite appreciates the time alone- or, at least, he thinks he is alone. A glint of steel in his peripheral vision jerks him to attention, and he utters a startled cry before leaping up from his seat and turning around. When his green eyes lock on a large, calm, unimpressed pair of grey ones, he relaxes his posture just a little ( ... )


FILL: Jaime, Arya; "The Shadow"; PG-13 (Part Two) lainemontgomery March 9 2012, 23:12:53 UTC
“That’s a pretty little toy,” he drawls, nodding at the sword in her lap. “Useful, I imagine, should you need to open a letter or tear out a seam...”

“I could tear your face apart with it in a second, so quick that you’d never even have time to scream.”

Her grey eyes- Ned Stark’s eyes, Lyanna Stark’s eyes- come alive at once, and Jaime feels a cold sting in his belly- How many people have looked into those eyes as they heaved their dying breaths? It distresses him more than he’d care to admit, to think of this wispy little noblewoman, the younger sister of the sweet, deliberate, patient Lady of Winterfell, Ned Stark’s runty little daughter as the country’s most feared assassin. And it isn’t her age- he’d been younger than she when he received his white cloak. Nor is it her gender- he’s spent too much time with Brienne to hold Arya’s womanhood against her. But this girl is not a warrior in the traditional sense...she’s not a knight. She’s something far more savage, far more deadly ( ... )


FILL: Jaime, Arya; "The Shadow"; PG-13 (Part Three) lainemontgomery March 9 2012, 23:13:50 UTC
And as he looks at her now, the little girl with her little sword, he finds himself wondering about her lists, whether she’s taken the time to create a new one. The North remembers, he’d been told once. Sansa tries not to remember, works tirelessly to forget, to forgive- “I’ve no interest in vengeance,” she’d told him more than once, and he always felt humbled and impressed to hear it. It’s more than I could do.But there’s something nearly as admirable in the strength of Arya’s resolve, in the determination of her memory. She’s a creature of action, swift and thorough and unstoppable. In that, Jaime feels a sort of kinship with the Queen’s Shadow, and he realizes that this is a woman whose respect he’d like to have ( ... )


Re: FILL: Jaime, Arya; "The Shadow"; PG-13 (Part Three) eenaangel March 11 2012, 06:31:48 UTC
This was epic, and completely how I would want them to interact.

I love the lack of romance, that Jaime approaches Arya like an unknown entity and she genuinely concerns him. But also respects/fears her at the same time.

Thank you for the lovely fill.


Re: FILL: Jaime, Arya; "The Shadow"; PG-13 (Part Three) lainemontgomery March 11 2012, 18:44:17 UTC
This is such a cool prompt - I don't think I've ever read a fic with any real Jaime & Arya interaction, and now I'm wondering why, because they're so much fun. I'll admit, I did try at first to make this Jaime /Arya, but it just wasn't happening. ;)

Thank you for the wonderful comment - I'm so glad you liked it!


Re: FILL: Jaime, Arya; "The Shadow"; PG-13 (Part Three) just_a_dram March 17 2012, 17:51:37 UTC
This is great. I happen to think that Arya is probably permanently twisted, and I like the way you've written her here. She's damaged and doesn't have to follow the same rules as everyone else, and yet, there's something Jaime admires about her. So much so that he's actually willing to play messenger boy.

The underlying hints of Jaime/Sansa do a fangirl good, but I like how it's just an undercurrent to the real interaction at play here.


Re: FILL: Jaime, Arya; "The Shadow"; PG-13 (Part Three) lainemontgomery March 17 2012, 23:02:05 UTC
Thank you, love! I was a bit anxious about writing Arya- I've never done it before, and she's such an enigma to me. It was a bit easier to approach her from Jaime's perspective, and I'm so glad you thought it worked.

And yeah, Jaime/Sansa...I had to. You know how it is. :)


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