After the first round of
got_exchange we had a surprisingly successful comment fic meme going for a while (
here's a list of all the fics that were written last time), so I thought it might be fun to do this again. (Like last time, it's posted on the mod account journal because I don't want to enable anonymous comments on the exchange community.)
I changed the
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"My brother has taken up with a low-born smuggler," Robert says, half-outrage, half-bombast. "He has knighted him, for services to the Rebellion, and now he wishes to bring him to court because, as Master of Ships, my brother feels the counsel of a smuggler will be invaluable. Well it might be, until the man steals away with half the treasury silver. Though, at least that will teach him not to be so partial to common thieves with designs on his purse next time he meets one who will serve him." There is a little piece of malice underneath every piece of mockery and every word he speaks as though in jest but Robert is drunk and doesn't see the harm in it or that the men who laugh are only doing it to humour their new king ( ... )
The Baratheon brothers' messed up relationships are really heartbreaking. I really agree that they just need to take a minute to try to understand each other rather than being so quick to find fault with one another, without analysing their own failings.
Thank you so much for this lovely comment. ♥
I guess the Baratheon brothers are so fascinating because their relationships are so messed up. Stannis and Renly's conversation in ACOK is fascinating on so many levels, along with Stannis' thinking back on Renly's peach. I have high hopes that the HBO series will at least have part of this awesome conversation, given the previews :).
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