Comment fic meme #2

Mar 05, 2012 15:28

After the first round of got_exchange we had a surprisingly successful comment fic meme going for a while (here's a list of all the fics that were written last time), so I thought it might be fun to do this again. (Like last time, it's posted on the mod account journal because I don't want to enable anonymous comments on the exchange community.)

I changed the ( Read more... )

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Comments 949

Jaime/Cersei - First time. mandatorily March 5 2012, 15:08:42 UTC
Jaime/Cersei - First time they make love. Bonus points if one of them (doesn't matter which) is reluctant at first, but warms up to the idea after some heavy seducing from the other.


FILL: Jaime/Cersei; "The Precipice"; R lainemontgomery March 5 2012, 19:25:04 UTC
He’s different now.

When her brother left for Crakehall, when she pulled him into the stables to bid him a proper farewell before their father came down to see him off, they’d been of a height, both with long curls and soft cheeks and bodies made up of straight lines and flat planes.

But now he stands a hand-span taller than she, all long legs and broadening shoulders and wiry muscles. After they steal away into the quiet room in the rear tower and bolt the door, he grips her tight- his hands are big, big and rough- and all but pushes her onto the bed ( ... )


Re: FILL: Jaime/Cersei; "The Precipice"; R just_a_dram March 5 2012, 20:31:47 UTC
Perfect as always!

This is fascinating, because it's a question of mine about who drives their youthful indiscretions. Cersei seems to control the relationship in general, but as you rightly point out, Jaime is the impulsive one, the one most likely to leap, to make terrible decisions, when he's carried away by the idea of them, while she knows exactly what is at stake. You have me convinced here that this could be just how it happened.

I like the moment when she's worried he'll have hair on his chest. Something that would make him different from her. The ultimate turn off for Cersei.

Lovely work, my dear.


Re: FILL: Jaime/Cersei; "The Precipice"; R lainemontgomery March 5 2012, 21:07:03 UTC
Whee, thanks!

When I first read the prompt, my immediate reaction was "Oh, of COURSE Cersei would have initiated this." But then I thought about it... We do learn in canon that Jaime's the dominant one in bed, even though Cersei dominates him everywhere else. And you're right- he's much more reckless and less likely to see the big picture.

So psyched to see you in this exchange- I can't wait to read some wonderful stories from you!


Stannis/Jon: the son he never had linndechir March 5 2012, 15:19:08 UTC
When Stannis looks at Jon, he sees the son he never had.

Can be gen or slash, I'd just really like something about Stannis seeing some of himself in Jon.


Stannis with Davos and/or Jon: Saying Your Names linndechir March 5 2012, 15:23:28 UTC
People so rarely call Stannis by his name, it's always "my lord" or "Your Grace".

Just give me any situation (sexual or not) in which Stannis asks either Davos or Jon to call him by his name.


FILL: Stannis/Davos | like sailors, swimming in the sound of it (dashed to pieces) | R-ish outboxed March 5 2012, 17:50:26 UTC
The title is from 'Saying Your Names' by Richard Siken - since it seems only fitting. And, yes, hi, it's another Stannis/Davos during/shortly after the siege fic because, for some reason, that works for me. I just wish it were cheerier.____ ( ... )


Re: FILL: Stannis/Davos | like sailors, swimming in the sound of it (dashed to pieces) | R-ish rachel2205 March 5 2012, 19:31:17 UTC
I like this! It would be interesting to see from Stannis's perspective too.


Re: FILL: Stannis/Davos | like sailors, swimming in the sound of it (dashed to pieces) | R-ish outboxed March 5 2012, 20:05:30 UTC
So glad you liked it! ♥ Stannis' POV would be interesting. He is such a bubbling cesspit of repressed emotion.


Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match juno_chan March 5 2012, 15:27:19 UTC
Ned/Catelyn - The moment(s) where one realized they were in love with the other. Bonus points if it's Ned, because I love when Ned has feelings.


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match lit_chick08 March 6 2012, 06:01:13 UTC
He still thinks of her as Brandon's.

Ned knows how silly it is, especially when she is cradling their son against her chest, smiling and singing to Robb with a lightness which Winterfell has not known in so long. But every time he sees Catelyn, every time she turns her face up for a kiss or he reaches for her, Ned cannot help but think of his big brother, of the man whose place he was forced to take in every measure. Sometimes he even imagines he is going to wake up and find it has all been a dream, that Brandon has wed Catelyn, that Lyanna wed Robert, that Benjen is still racing through the wolfswood instead of serving on the Wall.

Ned likes Catelyn Tully - my wife, he reminds himself - but she still doesn't feel like hisHer stomach is so big, she cannot see her feet, and Ned finds himself watching her now more than ever ( ... )


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match ishi_chan March 6 2012, 12:30:16 UTC
Your Ned is utterly fantastic! I love how insecure he is, how he keeps comparing himself to Brandon. You've even made me care for Catelyn (I adore the fact that pregnancy agrees with her so much) which isn't easy. :)
Great job!!


Re: Ned/Catelyn - when it became a love match juno_chan March 6 2012, 12:46:04 UTC

I really love it, love it all. I love at the beginning how Ned is thinking that he'll wake up and everything will be the way it was meant to be (and I think it's interesting that Ned didn't have any vision of how HIS life was supposed to be, and think it's very true to his character), and how he still thinks of her as Catelyn Tully and has to remind himself that she's his wife.

I also love how pregnancy agrees with Catelyn (again seems very true to her!). but Catelyn seems to bloom with this pregnancy, with this spring child growing inside her - beautiful!

And then I love the first impulsive words of their marriage, a shift into something more natural, and I love that he's STILL thinking of Brandon but learning to push that voice away. Also I love the reference to Ned loving her hair because that always gives me all the feelings.

This is just so sweet and wonderful, I feel like I drank a cup of delicious hot chocolate. :) Wonderful job!!


Myrcella, Tyrion- The Last of Our Kind (Post-ADwD) lainemontgomery March 5 2012, 15:30:17 UTC
After the Dragon Queen conquers King's Landing and destroys the remaining vestiges of House Lannister, Tyrion brings his niece back to court. Hurt/comfort, helping each other heal...all that good stuff.


Re: Myrcella, Tyrion- The Last of Our Kind (Post-ADwD) vaznetti March 8 2012, 09:33:55 UTC
I am giving this one a try.


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