
May 12, 2012 09:15

Now THAT is an episode show!

Fantastic. I liked everything that happened though I still say the whole angels can be beaten by a leviathan thing is bull shit. If that were true, Sam and Dean would have been dead a long time ago.

Also I noticed a piece of art hanging in the alpha's home.

the last time we saw this was in the green room when Zachariah held Dean hostage.

I'm wondering if this is a subtle hint that the writers are going to pull Lucifer and Michael out of their pit to get the blood of the ruler of hell.

I don't see Crowley surviving Dick. Hee it really is funny. And isn't Dick just hilarious.

I spent last night throwing up and my stomach feels like nausea has decided to settle in for a long visit. I had tea and toast this morning and that seems to be staying down. But I keep shivering and can't seem to stop.


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