Survey thingy...

Aug 27, 2004 19:38

Snatched this from eviltwin737

Using band names, spell out your name:
J - Jimmy Eat World
E - Eurythmics
N - Nine Inch Nails
N - Nokturnal Emissions *snort*
I - Iron Maiden
F - Flaw
E - Everclear
R - Rammstein

2) Have you ever had a song written about you? There is a song called "Jennifer" by some singer named Steve... I saw him at Bumbershoot back in 2001. That's about as close as it gets, unless you count Bert's little song... thing... Eh, that doesn't count.

3) What songs make you cry?
Hmm... good question... Ah! I know a few that make me a bit teary eyed.

"Nebel" ~ Rammstein
"Seemann" ~ Rammstein
"Letters To You" ~ Finch
"Mexico" ~ Incubus
"Are You In" ~ Incubus
"One More Time" ~ Flaw (angry tears! YAY!)
"Somewhere Out There" ~ Our Lady Peace
"My December" ~ Linkin Park
"Special" ~ Garbage
"Trophosphere" ~ Steve Burns
"Untitled" ~ Silverchair

that's about all I can think of off the top of my head.

4) What song makes you happy?

by Rammstein: "Du Riechst So Gut", "Asche Zu Asche", "Weisses Fleisch", "Ich Will", "Links 234", "Sehnsucht", "Du Hast", "Bueck Dich", "Bestrafe Mich", "Zwitter", "Spieluhr", "Adios", "Stripped", etc...
Other: "Detachable Penis" ~ King Missle
"Cherry Lips" ~ Garbage
"Personal Jesus" ~ Depeche Mode (and Lollipop Lust Kill cover)
"Closer" ~ Nine Inch Nails
"Everything, I" ~ Lollipop Lust Kill
"Wasted And Ready" ~ Ben Kweller
"Legend of Zelda" ~ System of a Down
anything by Weezer
anything by "Weird Al"

A p p e a r a n c e
x. HEIGHT: Midget sized... or 5'1.
x. HAIR COLOR: Multi-coloured shit! YAY! It's brown, it's red... hell, it's even blond!
x. EYE COLOR:(S) Brown, blue, black, and bloodshot.
x. PIERCINGS: I have five in my pickled liver.
x. TATTOOS: Erm... I had fake dragon one a while back...

R i g h t n o w
x. WHAT YOU WEARING?: A flaming coat and a ferret on my head.
x. WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: Hold on... juuuust a minute... *slides CD in computer* I'm now listening to "Sehnsucht", yet "Mein Herz Brennt" ist stuck in my head.. haha, look, I typed 'ist'! You know you've been listening to Rammstein too much when...
x. WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: It tastes like toothpaste and... skin... and kinda burning...
x. WHATS THE WEATHER LIKE?: Dark and gloomy, like this burdened soul in my ramshackle body. *snort* Fun with cheesy goth poetry!
x. HOW ARE YOU?: I'm sthuper, thanks for asthking!
x. GET MOTION SICKNESS?: Depends on what I'm riding.
x. HAVE A BAD HABIT?: *belch* *gropes self* ...WHAT?
x. GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: Yeah, for the most part, I guess. Unless my mom goes on one of her psycho paranoia trips, then things can get rather sticky. Or, when my dad decides he wants to be overly controlling and protective. The shitty part is, I can't say anything about that because, well... he's got a temper on him. *pats self on the back for inheriting that*
x. LIKE TO DRIVE?: I GOT MY CERTIFICATE FROM THE DRIVING SCHOOL! EEEEE! *happy dance* I heart driving, especially when I can blast Rammstein. I think I'll make that special driving CD this weekend... *evil grin*
x. BOYFRIEND?: Paul.
x. GIRLFRIEND?: Caron. Yes, I'm stealing Richard's wife... and Richard, while I'm at it. They can both be my wives.
x. SEXUALITY?: I love everybody. *hums Reading Rainbow theme*

x. CHILDREN?: *counts on fingers* According to my subconscious, about 5. Rivers got me pregnant! Now I have to take these abortion pills with little white smiley faces!
x. BEEN HURT?: Yeah, a whole hell of a lot.
x. YOUR GREATEST REGRET?: Dating Matt (if you could even really call it dating), that fucking Starbucks kid... and not catching Rammstein back in '01, even if they did play without pyrotechnics at the Moore(!!??)
x. YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW?: Sehnsucht by Rammstein.
x. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON what color would you be? Maroon, like Brian's nipples! Or maybe one of those cool metallic blue ones...
x. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: Trista, Rammstein, music in general, meeting people through LJ, exercising, being in downtown Seattle, being almost anywhere outside of Lynnwood, creating mad little Rammstein stories, alcohol (heh, I'm so angsty!), fruiting random people, and FIREEE!
x. WHATS THE NEXT CD YOURE GONNA GET?: Most likely the "Mein Teil" single. I'll be ordering that on Sunday, and I believe it takes about 2-3 days to arrive. *orgasms* I can't wait to get that thing! *squirm* After that, it'll be the "Amerika" single, which I've already pre-ordered. *proud*

Seven things in your room:
1. autographed Cradle of Filth stuff
2. autographed "Weird Al" CD cover
3. molding watermelon
4. the Beatles
5. self made Rammstein poster
6. fuzzycuffs! Er, no, those are slippers...
7. lots and lots of cat fur...

Seven things to do before death:
1. See Rammstein live
2. travel through Europe
3. live with Trista in our bachelor pad
4. meet rape Rammstein :D Or, maybe I'll settle for living in downtown Seattle.
5. carry out plans of owning a Burger King
6. form a band called "You Don't Even Know", and write the hit single "For Serious!"
7. take a massive pee.

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex: (or same sex, surely?)
1. twisted sense of humor
2. outgoing, and possibly even more twisted, personality
3. big eyes
4. big... hands
5. wild hair
6. romantic tendencies
7. guitar playing, badass, angry German attitude.

Top seven things you say most:
1. Ach!
2. I heart!
3. I was watching Rammstein today and...
4. that's hilarious
5. jesus fucking christ...
6. interesting!

Do You: Smoke?: Just second hand at our punk rawker shows. *snort*
Do drugs?: SHARPIEEEEES! Heh... those actually still work for me, but I'd rather not kill myself today, thanks. Not yet, anyway.
Read the newspaper?: *smirk* I READ THE NEWS TODAY OHHH BOYYYYY... *sway*
pray?: To bread

Have you ever:
Been in love?: Yes... *eyes Mr. Twinkles*
Gone skinny-dipping?: Nah... you'd have to get me wasted out of my fucking mind! Then I'd do it, and boy would YOU be sorry!
Had a medical emergency?: Mmm... I dislocated my knee in fourth grade. Took them three friggin' hours to give me pain killers and pop my knee back into place. I should've kept the brace... I could've used it for my Halloween costume.
Had surgery?: Not yet. I'd like to get a tummy tuck, but I'd have to sell a lot of lemonade before I can do that.
Swam in the dark?: Well, not in complete pitch black darkness, no. That'd be interesting, though... *imagines a game of drunken Marco Polo* "MARCO! *bashes into wall*" "*snicker* heh, you ran into the--*thud*"
Been to a Bonfire: I don't know... have I?
Got Drunk: Buzzed, but not completely hammered. That was from my cousin's homemade daiquiri, with the really strong alcohol. Oh.Mein.Gott. The best shit EVER! Made these store bought things taste like weak Koolaid! *guzzles one of the store bought things and waits for imparied typing ability* Heh, there it goes!
Ran away from home?: Eh, for about five seconds.
Played strip poker?: Heh... Matt wanted me to, but I say NAY! He had this plan that we'd play strip poker in an elevator... *scratches head*
Gotten beaten up?: I've met Mr. Locker and Mr. Fist a few times, yes...
Beaten someone up?: Eh, I've pounded on a few people before, but nothing too serious. No hospital visits. Dammit... all that wasted energy...
Been on stage?: Not in a long time. But I will, when our band You Don't Even Know hits it all big doing industrial covers of Beatles songs, much like Godhead.
Slept outdoors?: Mmm... yeah. Outside, in a tent, with four guys, while I was on my period. Not fun times!
Pulled an all nighter?: Siiii
If yes, what is your record?: I lost track... *looks around*
Made out with a stranger?: Erf... well, technically speaking... oh look, a quarter!
Been on radio/tv?: Been on TV a couple times. The other Jen and I made it when we went to the Kurt Cobain memorial. It was only a few seconds, but we still made it! And I got it on tape! The other time... *grumbles* We're burning that tape. PYRO PARTY AT TRISTA'S!
Been in a mosh-pit?: Yesh. They're fun! Except when you have little teenies in front of you screaming about how Chester is sooooo hott! Heh... Family Values Tour memories!
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Do I have any straight friends? Actually... I have quite a few straight friends, but I think the majority are either bi or gay.
Describe your first kiss?: BLECH!

About You:
Three words that sum you up: I am obsessed.
Wallet: a Cradle of Filth wallet that Bert bought me for Christmas. My signed temporary permit is in there, and I put a sticker on it that says 'special'.
Coffee: Starbucks or nothin', bitch! Gimmie my goddamn tall, iced, strawberry mocha... Say THAT three times fast.
Shoes: trusty, worn out combat boots... the same ones I've had since freshman year, with a few modifications, of course. Like the purple paint, and the hole in the toe.
Cologne/Perfume: Deoderant.

In the last 24 Hours have you....:
Cried: I've laughed so hard that I cried... Thank you "Bueck Dich"!
Bought something: Mmm, no. All my money are belong to my dad for ordering the "Mein Teil" single.
Gotten sick: Not yet... wait for it... *gurgle*
Sang: Yup. As a matter of fact, I'm singing right now. *attempts to imitate Till's "Mein Teil" voice* I had it down perfectly yesterday... it was great. DENN DU BIST, WAS DU ISST, UND IHR WISST, WAS ES IST, ES IST MEIN TEILLLL (NEIN!)
Been kissed: My cat licked my arm.
Felt stupid: Constantly!
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but didnt: Not that I can think of.
Talked to an ex: Which one? The one that lives five minutes that way *points*, the one that lives five minutes that way *points in a different direction*, or the one that lives 10 minutes away over there?
Talked to someone you have a crush on: I would, except he's touring in Germany with the rest of his band, and he'd probably call the cops on me for stalking him...
Had a serious talk: Yeah, actually... I think I did, and it wasn't about Willy Wonka's g-spot this time.
Missed someone: Eh... just a little bit. *eyes picture of Chris* Yes, I'm still going on about Chris... shut up...
Hugged someone: My mom hugged me earlier. *tilts head* Yeah... I think she did...
Argued with a parent: Holy shit... It's been over 24 hours since I've argued with my mom. HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!

Social Life:
Boyfriend/girlfriend: Both? At the same time?
Would you rather be with friends or on a date: With a friend who was a date. *thinks* Noooo... with friends *accidentally types frunds*. More relaxed, and you can belch around them without them judging.
Job: according to the all-knowing MASH game, I'm a Mexican hat dancer who has 666 kids with Paul.
Church: Heh... last time I went to church was... bad. *snort* Bert and I (yes it was THAT long ago) went with this EXTREMELY religious guy named David. Bert was breaking out in a sweat and I was looking for the nearest inconspicuous exit. Afterward - David: So, how'd you guys like it?
Me: *trying to calm Bert's twitching and cold sweating* Uh.. it was fine...
Bert: Yeah... *twitch* It was fine...
Like being around people: When the mood is right, yes. I do have my outgoing spurts. Goddamn, I love this song.

Thing you ate: a slice of bread with peanut butter. They say peanut butter makes people horny, but I'm just not feeling it right now. *turns on Live aus Berlin* Heh... yeah...
Place you went: The bathroom. I think I'll take the scenic route there again...
Person you kissed: Uh... my hand? Hey, I smell burning.
you hugged: Mummy!
you talked to: Myself.
you Imed: Myself...
MeinZwitter08: I hope you die and rot in hell
MeinZwitter08: I hope you die and rot in hell
MeinZwitter08: Yeah, me too
MeinZwitter08: Yeah, me too
MeinZwitter08: Hey, look, it says I'm typing!
MeinZwitter08: Hey, look, it says I'm typing!
MeinZwitter08: Heh... I have now entered text...
MeinZwitter08: Heh... I have now entered text...
MeinZwitter08: Dude... you're so stupid.
MeinZwitter08: Dude... you're so stupid.
MeinZwitter08: Yeah, I know
MeinZwitter08: Yeah, I know
Song you heard: "Mein Teil", the same song I've been hearing for the past 15 mintues or so.

Currents :
Mood: Mellow, yet easily amused, a touch weird, and RAMMTASTIC!
Hair: Yes, I do have hair. Thanks for checking.
DVD In Player: Live aus Berlin. Yeah, imagine that!
Current Worry: Whether or not my attempting to make this survey funny will just make people think I'm more idiotic than I really am. And where I'll find a fake knee brace, cane, and tux for my Halloween costume. And my bladder exploding because I haven't used the bathroom yet. I wish I had one of those space suits, like in Fairly Odd Parents... that episode where Timmy's dad is an astronaut. His space suit beeped when he peed! *snort*

Are you:
artistic: Heh... you can judge for yourself when I finish my Rammstein comic. There's a part in it where Till throws a dildo at Richard, and it bounces off his head... but right now, it looks like Richard just has some oddly shaped flash light growing out of his neck.
athletic: I like to peel potatoes. Gives my arms a good work out. And I can't forget about the chair spinning!
a brat: When the feeling strikes. *grin* *wimpy burp*

There needs to be a picture here...

*goes to type photobucket and types photoguck*

Much better!
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