Aug 03, 2005 02:53
hey Everyone,
im really bored.
i miss my friends.
i want 2 see my dad.
i don't see anyone that much.
so yeah. but im happy for my mom.
dave is cool and nice. but i dont know
what we wants 2 do with r we going
2 like see him aging and stuff like that so yeah
i g2g ttl yeah...Alyssa
Jul 30, 2005 11:40
for all people that have a queations about gothic dose gothic people "worship the devil"? not all gothic people do....and other things like that just comment and i will tell you;-)
Jul 27, 2005 11:56
my mom has found someone........hes name is dave and he is so nice and
cool.....and my mom really likes him....thats why i'm so happy.