I should really be working, but here is a quick, work-deferring rundown of the patterns I'd like to have a go at. Or at least some of them. I'd be glad of your opinions on them, especially those of you with either kids or sewing experience.
Ok, so I would really like a proper, full, lined cloak. Good for when I'm out on condom ministry in winter, and with dresses. I'm just in love with cloaks. I'll probably never make one though because of the time and cost.
Oh come on! These are cute as fuck.
Also, a friend has hinted to me that she would like me to make her a ball dress for graduation. (And sadly, she seems to be going for the all-out-merangue look!)
This gives me about a year to think about it. I didn't commit, because I'm not really sure of my sewing skills yet. But I thought this summer, I could maybe think about making a small-scale merangue for a child. This has the advantages of:
1) Letting me see if my skills are sufficient
2) Letting me practice on a smaller, less expensive and time-consuming undertaking to get my skills up to scratch
3) If it goes a bit wonky, it's only for a child's dress-up, so it won't be a huge tragedy that causes me to be kicked out of my friend's life.
So I'd be looking at making something along the lines of these:
Do you think this is a good idea, or stupid? And what the heck do I then do with a child-size dress? Do they actually enjoy wearing those concoctions?
And then for me:
look! A dress in a shape that would actually suit me! Both my nice dresses are from the 50s. I thought I could make a nice summer dress out of this pattern
That wide-brimmed hat is gorgeous
So much sewing to do, so little time and money!