Got myself a fever... ha ha.
Man I'm cool.
Wore my Bob Ross shirt today!!!!!! WHOOT! WHOOT!!!!!! Bob Ross kicks ass!!!
I actually did my homework too! Man I'm good!
and I've even got a few pictures for you! YAY!
Sanity? What is this you speak of?
Me and the Apu doll I bought Eliana.
On the bed... kinda... I guess...
Are you ready for this one!?!??!?!
NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *EXPLODES!!!!!!!!!!!* HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Eliana took it for me!!) LMAO. whoot...
Spring break starts on Friday for us.
Nathan brought me carnations today for no apparent reason...
I think I'm putting on weight again... lol. I'm gonna be a fat whore! YAY!!
... -_-;
In the mean time!
I finally talked to my cousin Nicole on the phone this weekend!!! (YAY COLORADIAN (I forgot what they call people who live in Colorado heh ^_^;) COUSINS!!!!!!!)
Things are doing pretty good for her despite her hurting herself. hah. I love you.