Slices of You all over my Mind, Stop it You Bitch.

Mar 30, 2005 19:14

Spring Break is bullshit.
ha ha.
I got a sunburn being on the 4-wheeler. it was funny.

and from Karly:
'when you friggin get excited you get like wet you know not pee'

Took pictures.

Fucking Nuggets

Me being fucking cool as hell.

Random dress on floor... yeah

Bob Ross!! (my shirt) thats really my chest but I took it for the shirt. for some reason every shirt puts it's wording on the chest. not my fault.... its yours.

Yep... I used to want to be a blonde.

Laurel & Myself with Matrix action.

My hand friend and Laurel's too!
(LMAO) (we drew faces and mine had claws & Laurel's had paw prints)

Spent a day with my cousin Lacey today.
Had fun. she's so perfect-like it drives me crazy but you know.
Tried on a dress for the hell of it in Hot Topic and nearly got stuck in it. Was pretty funny.
Helped a random stranger decide on a shirt.
Got the pants scared off me by a Pac Sun man... He just popped out of the corner and was like "HOW ARE YOU!?!???" and I was like "O.o.... fine thanks and you?" and he was liek "I'm actually pretty good thanks" and I scooted away... and when I left he was busy scaring a guy looking a shirts.
Random person waved at me today while I was having dinner with my cousin.
So yeah... not too much going on.
I'm getting fat ha ha.
And I need to buy a bathing suit so that I can get a nice burn... ha ha... but that's serisouly what always happens... *sob*
No wait... I'm not getting fat... thats just how I am... ah fuck.
Anyways... I hate breaks cause all I do is sit around drinking coke and eating when I'm bored which is constantly...
On the bright side I guess... My friends have lives!
Wish I had one...
Been watching Rocko's Modern Life and Invader Zim all the time. Durring the day I've been watching The Golden Girls, the Nanny and Bob Ross... damn I'm cool.
ha ha.
made another e-mail cause I needed another photobucket lol. and now photobucket isn't working cause it's really gay.

Sometimes I think Ryley dissintegrated.
I really wanna wear a yamaka ( I know I didn't spell that right...)
Sometimes I obsess...
I'm very much afraid of spiders.
My dog's name is Doby.
I like to sing even though my voice killed a couple of my neighbors cows. (fucking neighbors)
I really want a massage.
I've never seen Star Wars or E.T.
I've never been on a motorcycle.
I forgot how to swim once.
I'm married to Avena. =)
I really like pet names.
I hate happy couples.
I hate girls.
If I lived in Constantinople I'd now live in Istanbul.
I don't like hamburgers.
I was supposed to be 5' 7". (laugh you bastards laugh all you will)
I like to wear dresses.
I wish I was pretty.
I get cold to easily.
My cat's favorite thing to do is step and claw on my boob.
I have incredibly bad balance.
I have no painting abilities once-so-ever.
I have found this completely out of the blue liking towards shoes.
Climbing trees is fun.
I lost my right shoe on Halloween once.
I hate guys.
I wish people actually used their common sense.
I want to have a baby.
One day I'm going to travel the world.
I don't hate the horses... I just don't like them very much.(It's Diva's fault)
I don't think alcohol really tastes all that good.
I'm unhealthy.
Music is weird.
Musicals kick ass.
I really like hats.
Ruruoni Kenshin was cancelled AGAIN... I'm mad.
Full Metal Alchemist is a cool show.
Inuyasha scares me.
I have a pair of boots.
I believe I'm in love. (anyone can feel free to hit me for saying that)
I used to bite my nails.
A frog jumped on my head today.
My cat sat on my head today.
I want a truck.
I'm not very good at paying attention.
I like commitments.
I really like swords.
Violence entertains me.
I don't like guns, I think they destroy a person's abilities to fight for themselves.
I have eaten cat food.
I don't like country music.
I really like the word fuck... I'm not sure why.
I saw a candy G-string today. Didn't look all that edible to me but hey.
I think eyes are the most appealing part of a person.
I've slept naked.
I like to wear socks.
I talk on the phone in the shower sometimes.
I like the smell of vanilla more than anything else.
Once I lost my rubber boot in my pond.
I've fallen out of a canoe.
My cousin has gone wake boarding in my ditch while being pulled by his 4-wheeler.
I have a lot of freckles.
I'm partially afraid of the dark.
I want to marry someone with a last name that's a verb.
I can't believe that anyone would have read all that stuff.

-Kayla Mae
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