Happy -belated- b-day Yokocho~!

May 17, 2010 23:42

I can't believe it! I couldn't enjoy my and his b-day because I was studyng D:! Tacchon's b-day too! ;__;

But, well, I made another wallie for him and his b-day! And one week later I made a cake for him too (and for me xD)

Here's the wallie =):

And the cake :D!

This year I made a cake in black and white~! Only for Yoko... HE IS THE CUTEST, and deserve it x3.


So late, but, hope he had a good day in his b-day (not like me with the study =__=)

Hope you like it the wallpaper~!

See you later~


wallpapers, # english, kanjani8

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