Mike and I are currently experiencing “New Relationship Energy” (a polyamorous term).
NRE is the beginning of a sexual and/or romantic relationship (which) includes heightened emotional and sexual excitement, and sometimes obsessive thoughts and urges to be intensely connected with the other person.
Things to look out for (which have already started):
1. Losing interest in our passions
2. Spending less than half the time we used to with our other close people
3.Stopping doing things we need to function (e.g. eating, sleeping, washing, physical activity)
4.Massively changing our life to accommodate the new person in a way that interferes with things like our work or sleep
5. Using the majority of our productive and creative energy on the new relationship instead of things like work, study, hobbies
6. Spending most of our conversations with other people talking about them to the point where it receives desperate eye-rolls rather than fond teasing
7. Making non-negotiated changes to how much time we spend with other close people
8. Making life-changing commitments to the new person even though we’ve only known them 3 days/weeks/months
9. Lying to our close people about the degree of connection we have with the new person
https://loveuncommon.com/2018/03/27/nreproblems/ I’m glad there’s a term for this. Mike, who is married, is being cautious and wants to wait to see where it takes us before determining what to do with ourselves in the future.
Mike. The infamous, Mike.