Startin things off with some random stupidity, threatening to beat a guy with my Boomstick :p
Me, Rev, and Toolbert, respectively >.> Unfortunately, Toolbert's a WHORE who never plays! D: lol
Random shot of me flying to Booty Bay(shush), ended up flying right behind a Horde guy...wish I could've thrown some of my explosives at him >.> Mid air combat would be fun, actually
Day 1 of the Honor System Patch going live...freaking armies of people on both sides invading each others' capital cities, nonstop, all day, so freakin badly that the entire server lagged to hell. lol
One of the more Prominent Horde guilds on Mal'Ganis(Which we've abandoned now due to said Honor System) is Elitist Jerks, followed closely by GoonSquad of SomethingAwful fame, who pretty much ... yeah I'll stop there, let's just say they're pussies and be done with it :p
Shot of me Moo'ing at a Tauren >.> Ironforge is pretty much the center of the Alliance economy, so invading and actually getting in would cause a fair bit of havoc, fortunately they didnt' get past the front gates
Random Comparison shot of the Succubus, which was changed in the same patch both physically and spell-wise(thus ensuring they nerf Warlocks at least once in every patch)...personally, I think the aesthetics are better, the wings're pixely as fuck on the old one and the hair looks better
Never stand near a Gnome after they return from World of Burgercraft.
And with this serene shot of peaceful fishing at Darkshore, I bid you adieu :p