(no subject)

Apr 16, 2008 09:11

This doesn't cover quite everything that I like scribbled about a week or so back about the game, me, my characters, and so on. But Aviy made a nice, steal-able format and it meshes well with Buddy's, so here is an extended State of the Union with planning, etc thing.

What's up? God, I have no idea. She's really lonely, especially since Sanosuke left because source of love gooone. But Shuichi kind of opened himself up for being leaned on, so she's happy about that. A bit hopeful that may be some of her other friends will offer up the same thing, because she's a very dependent and needy person really. Also, feels like an utter bum and a bit of a failboat, because she still has fighting back home that she really should get down to rather than enjoying camp as her time-out plus not getting everyone out of camp and saving the day which she should really be able to do.

The 'totally at peace, zennn' levels keep ratching up into really ridiculous levels though. Mostly just so she can look fine in camp and help everyone out as best she can. So, kind of tired from her own emotions and everything, but still a-truckin' in her Usagi way. Honestly, she has a lot to say but no one to talk with, le sigh.

Thoughts, thoughts. Why is this my problem child~. I can feel how long I've played her and it's getting a little difficult. (Then again, I could be in another mood like December and will hold onto her past the two year mark, hey!) She's not getting engaged beyond surface interactions which are tedious and boring at this point really. Not to say I don't love crazy-ass antics, but too much of a good thing, you know? There isn't too much that can be poked without her breaking or would even be poked by everyone else because she is just awesome at appearing A-OK though. We have reached an impasse.

Where Usagi is at is disconcerting and feels off to me, but there's no fixing it so I'm just shying away from playing her. So, yeah. 8|

Plans, plans. Could do Cosmos but most likely won't, de-age is possible, need to therapy the Geass boys someday, practice practice with Zidane, GET INVOLVED IN SOMETHING idk. ...Maybe do an actual bodyswitch or genderswitch sometime.

Posts! That there post with Zidane, yes. De-age one, I guess? Something about her hair, re: No showers.

To-Do: Icon the raws, decide on how to overhaul her icons. Watch the ending of the first season and the beginning of R for nostalgia. Do an in-depth review of S someday.

What's up? He's doing good! Fujisaki keeps himself busy in camp then has a few other things to poke with, so he's never bored really. He has duh-rama a la cast to shake him up every now and then while he is very chill and relaxed because stress is off in camp along with boyfriend~ overall. The biggest thing is probably how big of a difference he's realizing between camp and his home, and where his thoughts end up on the matter. He's very good about keeping to himself and setting it aside though. Pragmatic keyboardist is pragmatic.

Thoughts, thoughts. Being in a good place means not as much of a desire to poke him. He doesn't want to be social so throwing him out is generally a nuisance for whoever gets him, so no good feelings about that there. Still, he's not too bad and just needs to be pulled out for more than cast and music antics, and get involved with something outside of those two things. Keep up on people he's involved with, for better or worse.

Plans, plans. Refer to long list of plottings with Yuki. Go on a date sometime. Video games or something.

Posts! Date-post with bushes, etc. Recruiting a new band. >D

To-Do: ...Read Gravitation for the third time?

What's up? HE'S FINALLY STABLE!! He's still easing into his general mindset around camp, but is about where he's going to be for awhile now unless poked by something or another. Frustrated by the lack of his sister and does not like her being mentioned at all, but Fiore said they would find her and they're going to. Camp is now a borrowed time concept so if he's been given it, he's going to take it at the moment.

The way he's adapted to camp is giving him trouble so he's working to push people away and detach a bit with some success. He's alternating between being twitchy and not about his mental state and doesn't trust camp not to mess with him, so he's not completely zen. Sister, Chrno, camp, Setsuna, etc. are still aggravating him a lot. He's managed to 'grow-up' enough to be able to mask his emotions a bit, so what you see isn't what you get with him sometimes now.

Thoughts, thoughts.As glad as I am to have him stable, i-it feels a little off? Joshua is becoming independent where he was a very dependent on Aion in canon, but he just fluctuates a lot so it's kind of natural? It's only a little disconcerting in light of my just being over the moon about being able to play him again. Trying to focus to make sure I'm not slipping up in my ecstasy and letting it affect Joshua too much. He's grown a whole lot and is stable in camp though, so yeah.

Plans, plans. Age-up or de-horn: The great, well put-off debate! Get more involved with the 'cool' stuff in camp as well as get topped by A-Ts. Truce with Chrno, if possible.

Posts! Scouting, A-Ts, maaaybe some status effect.

To-Do: Watch all of the anime this time, summarize, cap, and go through a box of Kleenex. Scour manga again.

What's up? A-Ahahaha... She's still in her adjustment period and doing fine with that. Kizna keeps tinkering with things mechanically and finding fun people to poke, so she's generally pretty happy. Still stoked about a planet!!1! She may have a few underlying thoughts and worries, but nothing too pressing so she's just cool beans.

Thoughts, thoughts. I get so involved with my other characters and keep forgetting her and that's bad. 8( She's got a lot of potential, I'm just not tapping into it the way I want so very much a 'My way or the highway' feeling. Bad me. Overall, she's a blast though so I want to get into my stride with her one of these days. She's got the basics of developing some really awesome relationships, just need to keep on 'em.

I'm going to end up doing something horrible with her one of these days though, but I need to put that off and behave for now.

Plans, plans. Maaaybe getting her to try being a pilot, some retarded Earth-info session, and talking to some more people about what's up with her, re: memories and ears. Find more idiots. --Something about getting involved in a club? Baseball?

Posts! I-Intro! Pilot and 'Give me your technology!!' call. ...Cat antics totally.

To-Do: Read and watch canon again. Take notes. :|b
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