Title: Definitely not Shambhala (but it's good money)
gottalovevCrossover: Supernatural/Lost
Disclaimer: I do not own any of it, this is just for fun!
Type: I'd say this is a gen fic with slashy undertones, nothing racy (sadly!). PG-13 for violence and language.
Word Count: 21,5K words
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam, characters seen in S5 of Lost, light Dean/Sayid
Warnings: Brief scene of torture, but not in a sexual context.
Spoilers: General Supernatural S4 spoilers, but for Lost it's spoilery until the episode 5-11 "Whatever Happened, Happened." Alternate AU from there. Creative license taken with the timelines to make everything fit together. If you'd like a primer on either Lost or Supernatural, I made one
here (spoiler warning is the same).
Artist: the wonderful
chosenfire28 who did so much for this challenge being mod AND artist!
Link to Art: see it all
here and please go tell her how great she is! thanks babe!
Summary: Sam and Dean have until noon to decide if they'll accept Benjamin Linus' job offer. On paper, it seems pretty straightforward: a lot of money to take care of a demon and of a ghost named Jacob on a mysterious Island in the South Pacific. But why does the case file include background info on the Oceanic Six? Can Benjamin Linus be trusted?
Author’s Notes: I want to thank my wonderful beta,
elise_509 who did a tremendous job helping me with this one. All remaining errors in what was done after her suggestions are entirely my own!
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3