Title: Unexpected
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis / Iron Man crossover
Characters, Pairing: John, Rodney (John/Rodney), Tony Stark, Samantha Carter, Evan Lorne
Word count/rating: 750 words, PG-13
Summary: John should really read his emails, he was surely not expecting this visitor.
A/N: made for
stargateland for the cockamamie crossover challenge with the prompt "Space Explorer" and the fandom "Iron Man". Sequel to
(Together) We'd Rule The World and would make more sense if you read that first.
John doesn't have the best track record for attention in the staff meetings when it doesn't have to do with the military or supplies, and he knows that he'll hear all about the science stuff over and over and over again by Rodney. So excuse him if he prefers doodling airplanes that are in fact a code for all of the naughty things he's planning to do with Rodney later that day/week/whenever it's possible. There are several planes - and a chopper - and fun times for all are expected as a result.
"Look, I want the technology, I made that clear, but does he really have to come over himself?" Rodney argues and that gets John's attention. "Isn't Atlantis supposed to be a Top Secret base?"
Wait, what? Someone is scheduled to come over? John really should have read his emails. He shuffles the papers around, trying to find a clue but the alarm starts blaring about an unscheduled offworld activation, which brings them all from the conference room to the gate room.
"What is it, Chuck?" John asks.
"It's the SGC, Sir. They're asking that we lower the shield for incoming personnel and supplies."
That's surprising, as they'd been told in no uncertain terms that Earth didn't have power to spare and that all contacts other than data transmission would be done by the Daedalus. John exchanges a look with Carter.
"Lower the shields," she orders.
First through is a smiling Lorne, which does wonder to ratchet down John's tension. He's followed by Marines rolling in crates of supplies and - god, yes - there are many cases of ammo.
"Wow! Is this an early Christmas, Major?" John teases.
"Like you wouldn't believe, Sir."
John's not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, but he almost stumbles down the steps when Tony Fucking Stark strolls out of the event horizon in a five thousand dollars suit. He's got to give it to the man, Stark looks as cool as a cucumber when the wormhole shuts behind him, which is no small feat when it's your first time going through. Or at least that's what John assumes.
Stark looks over his shoulder, does a quick scan of the gateroom and - why is John not surprised? - manages to spot Rodney. He beams at him.
"Hiya Rodney, missed me?"
"Please," Rodney scoffs, rolling his eyes though he's smiling a little.
John can't do much about the flirting, but he sure can divert Stark's attention.
"Hey, Tony!" John says as he walks down the stairs. "We didn't expect you this soon!"
He's improvising because frankly John has no idea when Stark was due since he missed the memo.
"I'm just that good," Tony says with a wink and John grins, shaking his hand when Stark deposits two metallic suitcases on the floor. John remembers that he does like the guy; owes him a lot, too.
"I infer that the ARC reactor was compatible with the SGC's power module?" Rodney asks, now by John's side.
"Yep," Stark says, as if it was the easiest thing ever. He then proceeds to glomp Rodney with a ninja hug and John's going to have to talk to him about boundaries.
"Welcome to Atlantis, Mister Stark," Carter says with a smile and she gets the I'm-totally-undressing-you-with-my-eyes- and-like-what-I-see Tony Stark Special for her trouble.
"Colonel Carter, I presume?" Tony says, deftly kissing her hand. He manages to make Samantha Carter blush, holy shit. "I've read your file. It's amazing."
How he can make that sound like a filthy come-on, John has no idea. What he does know is that this visit? Will not be boring.
"You brought an ARC reactor for us too, right?" Rodney asks, trying to see through the cases. "Though you could just have shipped it, no need to come all the way over here."
"And miss the chance to become a space explorer? I don't think so," Stark says with a shit eating grin. "Come on, I want a tour."
"For god's sake," Rodney mutters and John laughs: this is going to be awesome.
"This way, then," John obliges, already planning the best route to blow Tony's mind with his city. It's not every day that you can impress Iron Man.
But Rodney's already ahead, talking a mile a minute and John notices that Stark's eyes fall to Rodney's ass. Hell no. They'll definitely have to talk later, power source or no power source. Not even superheroes are allowed to ogle his boyfriend, and he's going to make that clear.