
Aug 09, 2010 23:22

OOC Information
Alias: Olivia
Contact Info: AIM: DemyxPwnz | MSN:
Other characters: Xanxus and Dahlia Hawthorne

IC Information
Character: Wes
Canon: Pokémon (Colosseum)
Point in canon: Post-game.
Age: 17
Personality: For the most part, Wes is a quiet, reserved boy, but that doesn't mean he's shy. He's not afraid to approach someone if he has to or if they catch his interest. Depending on who he's talking to, he can either come off as a total prick or a pretty cool guy. He is very calm most of the time, and while it's not that hard to get him annoyed, it is hard to severely piss him off or make him panic. Because of his distant nature, he sometimes acts like he is bored by the person he's talking to when he really isn't. It's usually just him being socially awkward.

While he usually comes off as the kind of guy who doesn't give a shit about anyone, Wes does actually care about other people, and is willing to put his life on the line to save someone in trouble (given that he doesn't hate them). Though, even more than people, he cares very deeply about Pokémon. He has absolutely no tolerance toward Pokémon abuse, and treats his own Pokémon with tender care. One of the only things that Wes can talk passionately about is Pokémon, and he's bound to befriend anyone in Lucerne Ridge who also owns Pokémon (unless they're part of one of the evil organizations, that is).

Despite being an ex-criminal, Wes has retained some of his criminal habits. For example, he has no qualms about stealing from other people when he has to; whether it's because it's *~for justice~* or he just wants to piss them off. Since a lot of people in Lucerne Ridge are really strong and have powers, he also wouldn't have any problems making his Pokémon attack them when he has to, but it's highly unlikely that he'll actually kill them.
History: Wes's actions prior to the events of Pokémon Colosseum are unknown; all that was revealed was that he joined Team Snagem for some unknown reason, and the game starts off with Wes stealing their only portable Snag Machine and blowing up their base, riding off on his hovercycle with Espeon and Umbreon riding in the side car, his two starter Pokémon (it's been implied that Wes has had them for years; possibly since childhood). The location of Team Snagem's base was unknown to the public, but after the explosion occurred, the location was revealed to Orre police and a news report was broadcasted about it. Wes's motive for this is unknown.

After wandering around for a while, Wes entered Phenac City, where he encountered two lower members of Cipher carrying a bag with a person inside it. He fought one of them in a Pokémon battle and was victorious. They retreated afterward, leaving the bag behind, and Wes untied the knot on the bag. A red-haired girl named Rui emerged from the bag, thanking Wes for saving her and telling him that they tried to kidnap her because she saw something that she shouldn't have. The Cipher peon that Wes didn't fight had a Shadow Pokémon, who are normally impossible to distinguish from a normal Pokémon, but Rui has the power to see a Shadow Pokémon's dark aura, so she was able to tell right away. However, she had no idea what it was at first, and Wes let her travel with him to figure out what Cipher was up to.

Rui asked Wes to take her to the mayor of Phenac City, Es Cade, to tell him about the Pokémon that she saw. As they approached his house, a tall, creepy man with red eyes and long silver hair emerged from the house, stating that he liked what he saw in Wes's expression and that he had a feeling that they would meet again somewhere. Once the man left, Wes and Rui entered the house and spoke with the mayor about the strange Pokémon. Es Cade told them that he would order an investigation at once, and encouraged them to visit Phenac Stadium. When they got there, Wes was confronted by some Team Snagem members, asking him why he blew up their base and demanding that he return the Snag Machine. After he defeated them, Rui told him that it didn't matter to her who he was, because he was still her "gallant prince" who rescued her when she was in trouble. She then suggested that they go shopping for some Poké Balls, but they didn't sell any in the Phenac Poké Mart because since there are no wild Pokémon in Orre, it is unnecessary to sell Poké Balls. They were told that they might have some at the Outskirt Stand, so they went there to buy Poké Balls and returned to Phenac City.

Upon their return, a woman ran up to them, telling them that a bunch of scary men entered the city. They ran over to the mayor's house, but when they went inside, he wasn't there. Instead, there were the two men that kidnapped Rui, along with three other Cipher peons and a flamboyant Cipher admin named Miror B. Miror B told the peons to bring Rui back to him before making his leave, and Wes engaged in a double battle with the two kidnappers while the other three peons went outside to block off the city. One of the men sent out a Makuhita, which was the strange Pokémon that Rui had seen before she got kidnapped. Wes used the Snag Machine to capture it and defeated them once again. After leaving the house, they discovered that all of the exits out of Phenac City were being blocked by the peons. After defeating one of them and snagging their Shadow Pokémon, Rui asked what that Pokémon was and he stated that it was a fighting machine that was created by artifically shutting the door to its heart. After the peon left, Rui had the feeling that they were heading for Pyrite Town, so they decided to go there next.

When they reached the main square of Pyrite Town, Rui warned Wes to be careful because this was the spot where she was kidnapped. After Wes battled all the trainers there and snagged their Shadow Pokémon, they walked into the house of Duking, the manager of the Pyrite Colosseum. They tried to talk to him, but he told them that he was busy. Wes found a button on the side of one of the bookshelves and pushed it, revealing a hidden room where three children were sitting at a table and talking with each other. As they emerged from the room, they found Duking being yelled at by a man named Silva for apparently letting Miror B use him and the Colosseum. Wes and Rui headed to the Colosseum to figure out what was going on and overheard a man saying that anyone who wins a tournament gets an "awesome Pokémon like Cail did." Remembering that there was a trainer named Cail hanging by the town entrance, they go over to him, who told them that if they want to know if he has a weird Pokémon, they have to battle him. During the battle, Cail sent out a Furret, which turned out to be a Shadow Pokémon. After having his Furret snagged and being defeated by Wes, Cail was mad because Miror B told him that Shadow Pokémon were supposed to be super strong, "but it was no big deal." Cail warned Wes and Rui to not be "played for a sucker. That's about all they'll give you if you win at the Colosseum." Rui told Wes that he had no choice but to participate in a Colosseum challenge to get to the bottom of this.

As they headed for the Pyrite Colosseum, a man in a white coat stumbled out of a nearby building, collapsing and begging for help. They went inside to find that it was the power source for the Colosseum, and that Silva came in and stole one of the gears so that the Colosseum would run out of power. Wes and Rui found the missing gear in a construction site near Phenac City and put it back in, returning power to the Colosseum. After participating in and winning the tournament, a Cipher peon met Wes and Rui at the bridge and escorted them to Miror B's hideout to award Wes with a Shadow Pokémon. However, the receptionist immediately recognized Wes and they tried to boot him out. He defeated one of them in a battle and they both fled the scene. Duking and some children entered immediately after, and Duking said that he was worried because he heard that Wes and Rui had entered the building. They told him that Cipher was using this building to give away Shadow Pokémon to people who won Colosseum tournaments. One of the children, Marcia, said that Miror B took away one of Duking's Pokémon, Plusle, to be turned into a Shadow, which was why Duking was willing to do anything that Miror B told him. Wes and Rui agreed to rescue Plusle, and they navigated through the hideout until they found Silva incapacitated in the room on the top floor, and two women were standing near him. They were subordinates of Miror B's, and Wes defeated them both and snagged their Shadow Pokémon. They retreated afterward, and Silva told Wes and Rui that he was trying to figure what was going on between Miror B and Duking, and he had no idea that Duking's Pokémon was taken hostage. Rui reassured him that they were going to get Plusle back, and Silva insisted that he come along, but he was too injured to move. A transmission from Miror B appears on the screen in the room, telling Wes and Rui that he was waiting for them in the cave nearby.

They made their way through to the cave and eventually reached the cavern where they found Miror B dancing with four Ludicolos. Upon seeing them enter, he stopped dancing and engaged in a battle with Wes, who defeated him and snagged his Shadow Sudowoodo. Miror B fled afterward, and Plusle's cries could be heard coming from behind a nearby door. They opened it to find Plusle, and Duking and Silva immediately rushed into the room. Duking, finally reunited with his Plusle, and freed from Miror B's control, suggested that they return to his house, thanked Wes and Rui for everything that they did for him. Plusle also expressed its gratitude, and seemed to want to stay with Wes and Rui. Duking allowed Plusle to remain under Wes's care, and officially became a member of his team. Wes and Duking exchanged P★DA numbers, then he and Rui made their leave.

As they proceeded to leave Pyrite Town, they were stopped by the town's fortune teller, Fateen, who told them that she could feel the presence of the black auras coming from the Shadow Pokémon. She also said that the key to freeing the Pokémon from that black aura is in the north, where Agate Village is. Rui remembered that she was on her way there to visit her grandfather, who lives in Agate Village, before she was kidnapped. They decided to go see him, since he was a famous trainer when he was young, and would probably know something about this "key." When they arrived to Rui's grandparents' house, she told them why it took so long for her to get there, and she told them about Wes saving her and began to explain Shadow Pokémon, but she was interrupted when a man ran into the house in a panic, telling Eagun, Rui's grandfather, that some outsiders went into the Relic Forest, where a Celebi shrine is located. Eagun immediately ran out with him to try and stop the intruders. Wes and Rui ran out after him and into the Relic Forest, fighting off Cipher peons as they made their way to the shrine.

The two arrived in time to see Eagun being defeated by a peon with a powerful Shadow Hitmontop. Upon seeing Wes, the peon immediately challenged him to a battle. Wes, of course, defeated him and snagged his Hitmontop. After being defeated, the peon revealed that he was ordered to capture Celebi and destroy the Relic Stone, and would have to report this incident to Dakim, who was located at Mt. Battle. Eagun thanked Wes for defeating the peon, and the three of them returned to his house, where they discussed why Cipher would want to capture Celebi. Rui thought that Eagun would know something about it, but he didn't. However, he remembered that they had a stone tablet with something about the Relic Stone carved into it, and Beluh, Rui's grandmother, went upstairs to get it. While they waited for her to return, Eagun suggested that Wes and Rui go see a man named Senilor, who was an expert on Celebi, and lived near the town's Poké Mart. They found out from Senilor that the Relic is said to hold the power of time travel, and "that mystical power is said to revive the most pleasant, most enjoyable memories of Pokémon." In order to meet Celebi directly, they needed an item called a Time Flute, and would surely cause the darkness to flee from the hearts of Pokémon. Wes and Rui went back to Eagun and Beluh's house. Wes received the stone tablet from Eagun, which read:

"In Agate's mystic relic, Celebi's power shelters.
A heart imprisoned by shadows
Its last door shall be opened
By the power within."

Believing that the Relic may have some effect on Shadow Pokémon, Wes and Rui went back to the shrine in the Relic Forest and presented it with a Shadow Pokémon whose door to its heart was nearly open. The Relic Stone caused the door to finally open, and the Shadow Pokémon became purified, going back to being a normal Pokémon. Wes used the shrine to purify as many Shadow Pokémon as possible, then proceeded to leave Agate Village. On the way out, he suddenly received a message from Duking saying that Mt. Battle was under attack by Cipher, so Wes and Rui quickly headed there.

When they arrived, they immediately headed inside and received permission to enter the mountain. Wes fought his way through nine trainers. When they reached the tenth block, they found the Area Leader being confronted by Dakim to hand over the Time Flute that he had in his possession. He refused, and was punched by Dakim, who then turned around and noticed Wes and Rui standing there. He apparently heard about them from Skrub, the peon that Wes defeated in the Relic Forest, and challenged Wes to a battle. Wes defeated him and snagged his Shadow Entei. After Dakim fled, Wes and Rui approached to the Area Leader, whose name is Vander. He thanked Wes for saving him, and Rui explained the reason why Cipher had attacked Mt. Battle. Vander decided to trust Wes with the Time Flute, saying that he would rather have him use it than those crooks. They returned to Agate Village afterward, where an old man told them that Eagun was worried sick and that they should go and reassure him that they were alright. When they got there, Wes told him that they drove Cipher away from Mt. Battle and that Vander let them keep the Time Flute. Wes and Eagun then exchanged P★DA numbers.

Wes discovered that there was a new spot on his map and decided to go check it out. They arrived to find some sort of lab, but they were unable to get in. Before leaving, Wes received a message from Duking saying that they recently arrested a pair of goons who he believed were taking orders from Miror B, and they might be worth getting information out of. Wes and Rui returned to Pyrite Town and went to the prison, taking the jail key from a desk and went to the goons' cell to interrogate them. It turned out to be the two women that Wes defeated when he was trying to rescue Duking's Plusle. One of them was sleeping, but the other, Ferma, said that they were arrested as they were trying to return to a place called The Under, blaming Wes and Rui for it. Wes examined the sleeping woman and noticed that there was some sort of elevator key on her belt, which he decided to take. They returned to the Cipher hideout that Miror B used to use and went to the elevator, which was being guarded. Wes defeated the woman who was guarding it and used the key to activated it, which took them to The Under, an entire underground city.

Upon leaving the elevator and glancing around the city, a broadcast called "The Under Time" appeared on a nearby screen, featuring a Cipher admin named Venus, announcing that spies had just arrived in The Under (Wes and Rui) and asking the citizens to let her know if they spotted anyone suspicious. Rui was surprised by how quickly she found out about their arrival and warned Wes to be cautious. A second broadcast came on a little while after exploring the city, saying that the spies still haven't been caught, and Venus urged the citizens to cooperate more. After wandering around more, Wes and Rui stumble upon a boy who immediately recognized them, and even knew their names. Rui asked how he knew who they were, but he never explained, and asked them to deliver a part to a boy named Nett. He said that Nett would explain the details. They found a boy named Bitt waiting outside the front door of his house, who seemed excited to see them, and told them to follow him inside. He led them to some sort of basement where two other children were, Megg and Nett, and they were both excited to see Wes. Nett explained that every kid in The Under knew about him and his adventures. Wes gave the part to Nett, who said that it was the last part he needed to get the Kids Grid up and running again. Before they leave, Megg asked for Wes's P★DA number so that she could contact him as soon as they discover anything.

Just as they emerged from the building, they heard someone shouting that they found the spy. Wes and Rui rushed over to the main square to find Silva being tied up by two Cipher peons and taken into a fenced off area, locking the door as they left. As they approached, one of the peons recognized them and said that they were spies, too, engaging in a battle with Wes. Wes defeated her and snagged her Shadow Ledian, then approached the fence and talked to Silva, who said that he found out that they were bringing Shadow Pokémon from The Under to Pyrite Town. He also managed to take an R-Disk, which is apparently only useful in The Under. Wes used it to get to the TV studio where the broadcasts were being filmed. Another one was just about to start, but Wes and Rui came in before they could start filming, and Wes fought Venus. She was defeated and her Shadow Suicune was snagged, and she immediately fled down a staircase. Wes and Rui pursued her to a hidden train station, though she got away. However, she dropped the key needed to operate the train, so they went inside and used it to see where it would lead. The train took them to another entrance of the lab that they had visited before, though they were immediately spotted by peons. They ran back inside and blew up the floor so that Wes and Rui couldn't follow them in. Fortunately for them, they found the key for the main gate and went back to The Under, leaving from there back to the main gate of the lab.

Using the key to get through the gate, they went inside the lab to find that there was another door that required a key. Wes found the switch to the shutter outside, where he found the key and used it to get further into the lab. He battled many Cipher peons as he navigated through the lab, eventually finding another Cipher admin, Ein, erasing data from the computers. Spotting the duo, Ein fought against Wes and lost, having his Shadow Raikou snagged in the process. Ein told them that the Shadow Pokémon they produced have already been moved to another location, including the "ultimate Shadow Pokémon" he created for his leader. After he fled the scene, Wes found a data rom laying on a nearby table and decided to bring it over to Nett in The Under. It apparently contained the list of Shadow Pokémon that Cipher created, but the data had already been erased. Nett told Wes and Rui that he would try retrieving the data and he would email Wes if he came up with anything.

The tower that they were working on in the construction lot was finally completed, so that was their next and final destination. All of the Cipher admins were awaiting their arrival at Realgam Tower, and Wes had to fight them all to gather the IDs needed to open a door to get further into the tower. After Wes got the last ID, he received an incomplete message from Eagun. He and Rui decided to go to Agate Village to see what he wanted. Eagun said that he wanted Wes to have something; a Master Ball. After receiving this, they went back to Realgam Tower and opened the door. Just as they were about to walk through, a Cipher peon dropped down from the ceiling and tried to stop them, but he was defeated. After heading in, Wes received an email from Nett sending over the partial list of Shadow Pokémon that have been created, then was challenged to a battle by a trainer standing by the door. Afterward, they approached a man in a suit, who turned out to be Silva in disguise. He said that Cipher's leader was waiting for Wes and Rui at the top of the tower, and supposedly has the ultimate Shadow Pokémon. They took the elevator to a higher level of the tower and found the strange silver-haired man they met in Phenac City waiting for them; Nascour, who they believed to be Cipher's leader. Nascour took the elevator up to the Colosseum, so they went to take the other one, but that one was also not available.

Right then, the elevator came down and Team Snagem's leader, Gonzap, came out of the elevator. He revealed that Team Snagem were just a group of thieves until they got Snag Machines from Cipher, and used them to catch high grade Pokémon from trainers to be turned into Shadow Pokémon; Team Snagem was working for Cipher all along. Gonzap attempted to get payback on Wes for blowing up their hideout and stealing their only portable Snag Machine by defeating him in a Pokémon battle, but Wes was the one who won, and he snagged Gonzap's Shadow Skarmory. Gonzap asked Wes if he'd be willing to come back to Team Snagem again, but he declined, and took the elevator to the top floor of the tower; the Colosseum. Wes won the tournament and then fought Nascour at the end, defeating him and snagging his Shadow Metagross. Nascour was about to challenge Wes to a rematch, but was interrupted by Cipher's true leader; the mayor of Phenac City, whose real name is Evice. Evice engaged in battle with Wes in an attempt to stop him once and for all, but Wes emerged victorious and snagged the ultimate Shadow Pokémon; Tyranitar.

After Evice's defeat, the police officers from Pyrite Town, along with Duking, Silva, and Eagun showed up to finally put an end to Cipher. Evice and Nascour to escape via helicopter, but an attack from the legendary Ho-oh destroyed it. Everything was finally over, and they all watched as Ho-oh circled around the Colosseum before flying off into the distance.

With Cipher gone for good, Wes started capturing all the remaining Shadow Pokémon. After capturing 47 out of 48 Shadow Pokémon, there were news reports about "Wes" going around and attacking people throughout Orre. Using the Kids Grid, Wes and Rui managed to track down the imposter to the Outskirt Stand and defeated him, snagging the last Shadow Pokémon, Togetic. The imposter turned out to be a former Cipher peon named Fein who wanted revenge against Wes for destroying Cipher by ruining his reputation. Another news report was broadcasted about this, and everyone realized their mistake.

Now having all the Shadow Pokémon in his possession, Wes purified them all, conquering Mt. Battle in the process. His long journey was finally over; but now, a brand new adventure awaits him in Lucerne Ridge...
Abilities: Having single-handedly taken down an entire criminal organization and saved the entire Orre region from the Shadow Pokémon disaster, Wes is a prodigy when it comes to Pokémon battling. Being an ex-thief, he is also good at stealing and fleeing a scene without being caught.
Items brought along: Six Pokémon, Snag Machine, pocket knife, and a plethora of Poké Balls and healing items and whatnot.
Stigma: All the pressure that was put on him to stop Cipher.

Regular Post:
[A groggy Wes slowly regains consciousness on the bench, sitting up and looking around. He could have sworn this wasn't where he fell asleep last night. ...And that a certain red-haired girl was with him.]


[He stands up and looks around some more, but he realizes he's all alone in this... bus station? Orre didn't have one of those... Going back over to the bench, Wes picks up the bag and digs out the radio. Maybe he could use this to contact someone... He fiddles around with it until he finally gets it to turn on.]

Uh... hello? Can anyone hear me?
Log Post:
As Wes walked into the Relic Forest for the final time, he felt a sense of accomplishment and relief. There was only one more Shadow Pokémon left to purify; and he had it with him, ready for purification. He slowly approached the Relic Stone and placed his Togetic's ball near it, releasing the Pokémon from its ball for purification. The Pokémon was bathed in a green light, and it felt the heavy shackles on its heart finally go away. It was finally free from the darkness. The Togetic let out cries of joy and flew all over the area, finally able to feel happiness again.

"...It's finally over, Hermes."

Upon hearing the new nickname, Togetic flew into Wes's arms, nuzzling into his chest. A rare smile appeared on the teen's face as he held the overjoyed Pokémon in his arms. Rui was standing nearby, watching the two of them, but with a somewhat sadder smile. Now that all of the Shadow Pokémon were purified, their time together would come to an end very soon.


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