I'm a Boston University freshman thinking about transferring to Goucher. I've gathered from previous posts that the school treats transfers pretty well, but I was wondering how transferring affects housing? Will I be placed in a crappy dorm because I'm a transfer? Also, can anyone tell me about the education program? At BU we have a school
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Comments 4
Transfers tend to get put in the apartments but my English class was mostly made up of transfers that lived off campus and now they all live on campus because they wanted to be closer to the community. It is nice over there though.
From what I know about the education program is that if your doing elementary education you major in that but if you want to do secondary education you major in what you want and then by taking the education classes you'll get the teaching certificate.
Also if your thinking about transferring save your previous course work and all of your syllabus. Sometimes not all credits transfer and those help convince the board to give them to you.
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