So, it's not like I ever update anymore, but I stumbled upon some random blog today and figured I'd post a bit in here. I was considering a political rant, but I'm not really up to it today. Since I found this other blog by searching for WoW Nerd pic, I think I'll blog about addiction
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So...Feet. What of them right? Well as I've already complained about, I do a good deal of walking every day. Probably something like 5 miles at the very least. Anyway, that much walking invariable produces feet stories. So here are mine
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Well since Summer asked if I was still alive, I figured I'd make an update for her. I'm still kind of hurt she's getting married, but I guess I can get over it. It's not too late to dump him you know
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Okay, so I'm trying to do some random LJ stalking and find other people in Japan right. Makes sense, maybe find out a little bit about the city, hear something of some cool club, show, or place to go. All good
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Well, let's see. I don't update often, I guess that's obvious. There's not a whole lot to tell that isn't just, dull. Hrmmmm, classes, have I written what I'm taking? Well if I have, you get to see again
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