Trans9: Kennedy Report (Abridged version)

Jun 05, 2010 23:31

((Pretend this is a fully detailed report))


-The people who built this ship, Transmigration 9, are known as the Daligig.

-The Daligig are at war with a species known as the Ohm.

-The Ohm, from what we've been told, destroyed our home universes, the Daligig rescued us, and placed us in pod-stasis.

-Aside from taking us, the Daligig also picked up a number of dangerous weapons and artifacts from various worlds.

-At some point, while we were all still in pod-stasis, the Daligig crew was forced to abandon ship due to one of the artifacts that they picked up. They sabotaged the AI, destroyed most of the records, and left the ship adrift in the bleed.

-Sometime after, a group of space pirates found the ship. Finding out we were in pod sleep, they attempted to tow the ship to a world where we would be eventually be sold.

-Stacy, having partially repaired herself, sealed of part of the ship from the pirates, and began waking up various members of the current crew in small groups.

-Eventually (after a lot of arguing), the crew was able to make their way to the bridge and overpowered the Pirates.

-We were soon after able to make contact with the Daligig command, who informed us about the Ohm.


-Stacy is capable of traveling to and through multiple universes. Unfortunately we have no control over where the ship goes. And even of we did, the navigational data got lost when the old crew scuttled the ship, and all available charts of the bleed are either unmarked, or the markings on them are completely indecipherable. We have no idea which way is home.

-We've been drafted into this war against the Ohm. Stacy will continue on her mission, and expects us to help, even if she must force us to, in some instances.

-We currently don't have a way to override Stacy.


Ship government, rules and regulations ( Detailed here)

Military Chain of Command ((Utterly unofficial and subject to change at mod discretion))

Captain > First Officer > Lt. Commanders/Department Heads > Lieutenants > Senior Department Staff > 2nd Lt. > Ensign > Sergent (Away Team leaders)

trans9, rp

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