Title: Every Little Thing
Author: elaborationlove
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Neville/Luna
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Neville and Luna, sittin' in a tree.
Author's Notes: My first N/L fic. I was inspired by the film, however, there are no spoilers.
Beta Credit: None.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 724
Neville nudged Luna with the bridge of his nose, blowing softly on her neck. She giggled softly and Neville smiled, his heart swelling with pride and achievement. He tangled his fingers in her hair and bit his lip; his jaw was going to kill him after all of this smiling. Luna adjusted how she was sitting, tucking her knees beneath her and smoothed out her skirt. Neville placed his hand on her revealed thigh. She took his hand and replaced it to her waist.
“Sorry,” he murmured.
She kissed his cheek.
“Have I told you that you look especially beautiful today?” he asked, still nudging her jaw.
“Oh, well, I was trying this new stuff one of the reporters for the Quibbler wrote an article on-Essence of Romgat.”
Neville shook his head, laughing softly. “You’re beautiful all the time, Luna-what’d’you need that stuff for?”
She looked down to the quilt on the bed and Neville straightened himself up a bit. He placed his hand to her cheek and pressed his lips to the other side of her face.
“You’re mental, you know that?” he whispered in her ear and then pulled back, tucking a strand of her white-blond hair behind her right ear.
She looked him over, uncertain.
Worry fell over his face. Immediately, Neville tried to fix what he said. He had said it in an affectionate way, but she mustn’t have heard it. “I didn’t mean it that way, Luna. I love you for it. You’re so different,” he explained.
Luna tucked her hand away in his hair. He smiled, glad that she understood now.
“Have you ever…kissed a girl?”
A soft red darkened his face and ears, and he looked down. He looked back up at her with a smile and swallowed.
She gave him a look that urged him to go on.
“I was almost fourteen. I kissed Ginny.”
“Oh, she’s a nice girl…sometimes.”
He gave her an inquisitive look.
Luna shrugged. “She used to tease me along with the other girls. Not as badly but she let ‘Looney’ slip a few times. It’s okay now, though.”
Neville bit his lip again, looking as if he was unsure if he should talk to Ginny about it. Luna repeated that everything between them was good again and Neville dismissed his worries. They were silent for a moment and then Luna looked up at Neville tentatively.
“Kiss me, Nev?”
“Uh…uh, yeah. Yeah, sure.”
Neville leaned closer to her, steadying her with his hand on her jaw, caressing the skin there with his thumb. Before he closed the gap, he whispered to her, “You ever been kissed?”
She shook her head and then Neville pressed his lips to hers. He wished he could watch himself. Luna pushed her fingers through his hair, massaging his head in a hypnotizing way. Neville slowly opened her mouth with his and coaxed her tongue with his own. He hoped he wasn’t going to fast for her, but put his other hand on the small of her back as he leaned closer, pressing her body to his.
Neville dared to open his eyes just slightly, seeing as how he was taller and could easily just peek through his long eyelashes. Her soft, white skin was now painted delicately with a light pink and she moved her mouth against his like they were meant to be fit together. Closing his eyes again to enjoy the kiss fully, he thought, maybe they were meant to fit so well together.
He removed his hand from her back and took one of her hands from his hair. Neville wrapped his fingers around hers and then adjusted them so the fingers were laced together. He continued readjusting how their hands touched, much like how their mouths moved.
Neville sucked on her bottom lip one last time and then pulled away, sucking in his own bottom lip, still enjoying the taste of Luna. Luna looked away, shyly and Neville just smiled, turning her face back to him. He gave her a reassuring look and kissed her forehead.
“I’ll see you in Transfiguration.”
Luna nodded and left Neville to his solitude. As she closed the door, he lay back on his pillow with his arms behind his head and his legs crossed.
Who needed sunlight when he had the moon?