I gacked this from myself, a year ago today.
Ten-Minute Meme!
Write for a minute about each of the following words. No more and no less. Stop in the middle of a word, if that's where the sixty seconds end.
I can say I've been in it and be confident in the truth I speak. Those who've born witness to it can perhaps attest to this, but no real validation is needed except that within my own heart, and so I am honest and pure. Haha. Me, pure. Funny little oxymoron there. But with that person I rarely feel so badly as I do left to my own devices, under the
Still scares me. Though not so much any more. I've been entertaining the scenario for many years now, but only lately with myself as one of the active participants. Trying to plot out a perfection which may not be attained save in the back of a Rav4 or a beat up couch in
Is killing me not only quickly but surely. Why why why I ask and I ask again and the answers fail to come but I live, yes I do, and that's why I go on. Life's a bitch and then you die but I'm one of the few people who know there is something in between that smells a little better than shit so with that I am made goddess and remain so. Aren't you envious
Doesn't frighten me any longer. I accept it and know it is coming sooner than I'd like, just by the way the music is turning. I told you this was the middle, Ethan, but I was lying and I know we're almost to the climax. Perhaps this is a story where there are mini climaxes and then nothing, but seventeen is in my mind and in my heart and
BORING. But they were STUPID this last year and still REMAIN stupid and aren't getting any smarter! That damned bill in Virginia over miscarriages is real testatment to how DUMB America is and how quickly I want the fuck OUT because it's another murderer of the goddess
Hahahah! Cheyvonne, don't you remember? Don't you remember these? Do you still believe in them? Your evolution is astounding, half the time you are regressing! You must come back to us, Cheyvonne, please, please do. I know you are there and I know I am here and if we go it'll be together. The sooner I die, the sooner you, too.
Has been a life line these past months. Nothing has been so stable and comforting as music. I've found so much NEW stuff that makes me happy and sad and angry and vengeful and it's WONDERFUL and ME and it holds me when no one else will or can or want to because no one ever wants to because the goddess seems to burn the flesh of m
I doubt I'll see another that will even come close. I don't know if I WANT to see any more because that perfection is just not redoable nor do I think I want it to be. End end end end to all
Are a lunatic! Are a wankstain. Make me scream and want to hit things and snap his spine in two because taking out my agressions on you wouldn't work because you'd accept it too easily but he wouldn't know what was coming and that's the element I need to keep me fired up haha! I am a WATERHEATER. BOW!
Is in the lies is in the shadows is in me no matter what you say or he says or they say I know me and you know me and you WANT to know me and I don't want to know you if you don't want to know me so GET OVER IT AND LET ME GO ON I'M FLYING FREE in insanity? But not really you know you've put me in a poetic mood but I can't help it I really can't it's in my soul with the Phantom and
Such fun times.