May 01, 2010 02:29

Title: Love From Above
Disclaimer: Not mine, wish they were...but they aren't.
Pairing/Characters: Bruce/Clark
Rating: SILLY
Word count: 619-ish
Summary: Bruce will get his matter how silly it may be.
Authors Note: This is my birthday present to capefetish . Happy Birthday love! By the way this is compleately un-beta-ed so point for corrections.

Love From Above

Around the fourth time Clark did it was when the thought of retaliation first appeared, and by the sixth time it happened Bruce was already beginning to plot out his revenge. First thing he had to do was decide when and where he would strike. He had decided on the least likely place to heighten the element of surprise. It would be silly and that helped. Nobody ever expected silly out of Batman. The how was a little harder, but he would make it possible.
I was a month before he put his plan into action. Three days before hand Clark had once again snuck into his home while he was on patrol. And once again Clark had waited on the ceiling for Bruce's eventual return. As always Bruce striped, showered, and crawled into bed. Then as he lay on his back to sleep, there would be a shout and next thing Bruce knew Clark would be kissing and nibbling all the right places to make any thought of sleep leave in lieu of more...interesting endeavors.
But now was the time for revenge and Bruce's mouth almost watered at the thought. Just as he had planned he had waited until Lois was out of Metropolis on a overseas assignment, which may or may not be a total goose hunt. He then went into the Daily Planet in order to "check on his investment" as he had heard some of the upper management put it.
After a short meeting with Perry White Bruce did something out of the ordinary. Knowing that Bruce and Clark had only met very briefly and only a few times publicly he asked to actually have a meeting with his top reporter. Of course Bruce knew that with Lois gone this would mean Clark. To assure that he would get some time alone with Clark, Bruce offhandedly threw in that he had heard rumors that it was because someone said something about Perry not being a good judge of character.
Immediately Perry promised a full hour and a half of time alone with Clark in the sound proof conference room with no interruptions so that Bruce could see for himself that Perry wouldn't "stand for any two-bit peacockin' disrespectful street punks with a degree" on his news staff. As Perry left the room Bruce made quick work of his plans. He started with the automatic inflation of the test dummy he had brought in his briefcase, already dressed in a copy of his current suit.
Sitting it in the chair with it's back to the door Bruce placed the wig on it's head and worked on the next step of the plan. Using his skills as Batman, and a few of said vigilante's hand grips he quietly scaled the right corner of the room. Then crouching into the corner of the ceiling just right of the door he awaited his imminent victory. It played out just as perfect as Bruce had imagined.
Perry showed Clark in then closed the door. Clark immediately asked in a worried tone what was going on as he grabbed the back of the chair. But when he turned the chair Clark didn't see Bruce but instead the inflatable training dummy. Bruce chose this moment for the attack. Before Clark  could fully process what might be going on there was a loud shout.
"LOVE FROM ABOVE!!!" Bruce cried as he let go of the grips and launched himself into Clark from his hiding place. Upon pinning Clark to the table Bruce smiled and added that Perry promised an uninterrupted hour, and with a wink began to loosen Clark's tie. And as Clark chuckled softly Bruce finally understood why Clark loved pulling this trick on him.

fic, batman, superman

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