Yesterday was an interesting day, to say the least. I had two of my great uncles (75 and 69 years of age) pass away, within a day of each other... both of heart attacks. Had a dual funeral yesterday. It was good to see the family, but the circumstances sucked. While I was at the funeral the company that's doing the repairs to my house were out
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Comments 2
Also sorry to hear about your flood drama. It will all eventually get fixed up and back to normal. Are there any cool cupboards, etc, that you want to put in your house now?
>But on a good note, my cats have been handling the changes very well and are very clingy right now.<
Oh how cute.
>Toby's all excited cause the guys moved the fridge and found all his play toys that he lost under there. Lots of play time today with him.<
LOL!!! Adorable.
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