o33 :: like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand

Jul 02, 2011 21:53

Gai's in a sand cocoon again, if anyone wonders where he is.

[Nothing to say here. Bell will still be going to work as usual, but he'll be spending more time around the house during his off hours, since this is the first dream-dusting Spring's had to deal with and he's a little upset.]

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Comments 30

weaver_girl July 3 2011, 15:08:14 UTC
I'll just train on my own on Monday, then.

Do you need any help keeping an eye on him? I could come over if you like.


grab_my_bells July 4 2011, 03:59:48 UTC
Maybe you could ask Spring to train with you? He's just like his dad that way.

Gai's...fine. But if you want to come over, I'm sure he and Spring would appreciate the company. And Tenzou.


weaver_girl July 4 2011, 18:33:24 UTC
That's all right, I have something I'd like to try out myself first. I appreciate the offer!

I might later. It's easier to wait in company, at least for me. [And you're not quite fooling her, Bell, that was a very specific omission.]


grab_my_bells July 5 2011, 03:46:47 UTC

Yeah, it is. [wut~ He thought he was very convincing! He really owes Kagerou a thanks, but...knowing Bell, she probably won't get it. D=]


man_genius July 3 2011, 16:58:33 UTC
Again? I guess someone else had to find trouble with Fred gone.


grab_my_bells July 4 2011, 04:01:06 UTC
Of course. It was getting too easy otherwise. And you know how Gai likes his trouble.


live_ringer July 3 2011, 20:34:26 UTC
Need any company?


grab_my_bells July 4 2011, 04:01:42 UTC
Well, Spring definitely could use some.


live_ringer July 4 2011, 04:06:13 UTC
Tenzou, too?


grab_my_bells July 4 2011, 04:07:34 UTC
Undoubtedly. He is an attention whore, after all.


ghost_of_00 July 3 2011, 23:51:57 UTC
Do you need assistance?



grab_my_bells July 4 2011, 04:02:59 UTC
Gai's probably as safe as he can be right now, and Spring's a good watchdog.

But if you're offering cleaning services once there's sand all over the livingroom...


[QL] awokentospring July 8 2011, 04:00:07 UTC
[Spring would have appreciated knowing how much all his father's students and friends cared, but he wasn't in the mood to do much journal surfing. He kept it nearby, as always, but he probably wouldn't get to looking at it today. Right now, he just wanted his father back. From what he had been told about these cocoons, though, he knew it wasn't going to happen for a few days ( ... )


[QL] grab_my_bells July 8 2011, 04:34:40 UTC
[Bell was growing worried about Spring. He knew this kind of thing would happen--Bell did it as well, and Lotus had done something similar during Gai's death--but other than the (almost) promise (no one could promise anything would happen for certain in this world) that Gai would be back, he could offer the kid no other consolation. There was nothing to do but to wait and watch, and that was exactly what the kid was doing. ...and nothing else.]

[Obviously sad to be devoid of both his green-wearing playmates, Tenzou padded over to Bell, dropping his rope-toy at Bell's feet. Bell gave his dog a good petting behind the ears, but his gaze was on Spring. Gai...hurry up. I'm not babysitting your kid while you sleep. Or maybe he was. Bell felt responsible for his partner's son, even if he didn't want to admit it. If Spring worked himself up this badly that he wasn't eating or sleeping...well, he couldn't let Spring die of starvation before Gai returned, could he ( ... )


[QL] awokentospring July 8 2011, 05:22:51 UTC
[Spring was vaguely aware of Bell's presence in the house for much of the day. He was less conspicuous about how he moved about the house than the dogs, and they had barely attracted Spring's attention as it was. So when the plate appeared in front of him, it took considerable effort not to flinch away from the offering. Those sure were some ninja-like reflexes ( ... )


[QL] grab_my_bells July 8 2011, 06:15:16 UTC
[Bell made no reply to the 'thank you.' If he didn't acknowledge it, maybe the gesture of the sandwich would mean nothing. He took a seat on the chair nearby, setting his plate in his lap. Picking up the sandwich...Bell put it back down. Come to think of it, he wasn't very hungry either, nor was he up for putting in the effort of hiding his face.]

[Watching Spring take a bite, he had a feeling the sandwich wasn't any good. Maybe he should have added the peppers to it after all, to make it work for the kid. Sorry, Gai.]

[He would never get used to these cocoon-coffin-things. Bell wanted to reach out and touch the smooth glass surface, stroke it with his fingertips and try to imagine Gai could somehow feel that he was there. But not in front of someone else, and certainly not in front of Gai's son. Watching would have to be enough.]

[His answer to Spring's question was automatic. Bell expected a question about how long it would be, or could he get Spring a glass of water.]



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