For the sake of this survey, "the summer" will roughly consist of dates between May 1 and current.
had a party?: more or less, nothing Richmond party caliber
gone to a party?: several
spent the night with someone?: every night
laughed until your stomach hurt?: occasionally
laughed until you almost peed your pants?: NO!
gone on a vacation?: a whirlwind trip to New York and Oregon in the same week
tanned?: a little
went to a camp?: not since, like, middle school
swam?: in Conesus Lake
went to the movies?: a couple times, "Hitchhiker's Guide" and "Mr&Mrs Smith."
hooked up with an ex? sorta, technically, yes.
gone shopping? of course! Every day.
Had a job?: yep - all hail First Fed.
gotten freakishly bored?: several times
have you gotten sun burned yet?: a bit on my arms and face
made a bonfire?: nope. I don't do fires at all, let alone bonfires.
gone to any festivals? nope. I'm gonna miss the sweetcorn festival this weekend
been outside during a lightning storm?: other than driving home from work, no.
Been to another state?: NY, OH, OR, PA. And later today WI and MN.
been to another country?: nope
changed something about your appearance? I've gotten my hair cut
Been to the the hospital with an injury?: not quite. I wanted to go to the hospital when I may or may not have broken my wrist, but I didn't go.
commited a crime/broken the law: other than, like, speeding? Nope.
gone on a road trip?: one, and one starts at 3 PM
been to a concert?: Um, YEAH! Alanis Morissette on 7/8, with opening act Jason Mraz.
Lost anything? yep. That's what happens when you move twice in three months
Been in trouble with the cops/parents?: nope
had a memorable moment?: a couple
had a horrible moment?: a couple
made new friends?: sort of, if you count my boyfriend's friends as mine
make a huge change? You mean other than moving halfway across the country?
missed a friend?: My Richmond-ers!
Slept under the stars?: nope
thought about school?: not in any real sense. But in the "stupid UI students for coming back to school" sense.
been to the beach?: nope
thought about a special someone?: yep