1. Full name: Megan Marie Horbin
2. Nicknames: Meggs, Megg-o, Shorty
3. Height: 6'2"
4. Vacation Spot: wrightwood, california
5. Siblings: linnie and chas
6. Do you like to sing in the shower? not so loud though
7. Birthday: 28 May 1984
9. Address: 212 Van Antwerp, Marquette, MI 49855 / 9237 S. Clifton Park Ave Evergreen Park, IL 60805 / 800 S. Wells Chicago Illinois 60607
10. Sex: female
11. Right or left handed: right
12. What do you want in a relationship most: love, respect, understanding, honesty
13. Current status? not taken
14. Do you have a car? yes, a 2000 toyota echo
15. What kind of car do you want? i like my car
16. Movie(s): High Society, Ever After
17. Song: "Down"-Hanson (I so met three hanson fans today!) "Cheek To Cheek" - Bing Crosby
18. Band/rapper/singer/etc: Ultimate favorite band: Hanson Ultimate favorite singer: Dean Martin
19. Show: Golden Girls, Diagnosis Murder, Everwood
20. Actor: Kyle Howard, Johnny Depp
21. Actress: Grace Kelly
22. Food: moms pizza dip
23. Number: --
24. Cartoon: The Simpsons
25. Disney Character: Belle, Captain Hook, Princess Aurora
27. Do you plan on having children: no
28. Do you want to get married: dunno
30. How old do you want to be when your married: whenever i feel like it
31. Would you have kids before marriage: no
32. Do you have a b/f or g/f: nein
33. Music/TV: music
34. Guys/Girls: both
35. Green/blue: blue
36. Pink/Purple: pink
37. Summer/Winter: winter
38. Night/Day: night
39. Hanging Out/Chillin: hangin out
40. Dopey/Funny: funny
41. Weird saying you have? Das ist Kwasch!
42. What school do you go to? Northern Michigan University
43. Have you ever taken drugs? not unless you count alcohol then yes
44. What's a major turn on for you? personality
45. How far would you go on a first date? kiss
A) Most blonde: me, sadly.
B) Craziest person: Alycia
D) Loudest: Alycia
E) Happiest: Erin
F) Strangest: i dont know, Sarah, maybe, but ina good way
G) Caring: Erin
H) Smartest: Kat
J) Best all around person: Kat, Jenni
46. What do you think of soul mates? it is possible
47. Would u flirt if you have a bf/gf? i don't know, maybe, unintentionally
48. Last thing you cried over or got teary about? probably a movie
49. are you happy? yes
50. What's an object you can't live without? my ring
51. love or lust: Love
52. Silver or gold: Silver
53. Diamond or pearl: pearl
54. Sunset or sunrise: sunset
55. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: no
56. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: no
57. What color underpants are you wearing right now? black
58. What song are you listening to rite now? no song, i'm watching A Secret Garden...... Andrew Knotts is a hottie
59. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? overseas
60. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? my soulmate
61. Football/soccer: soccer
62. What makes you happy? friends and family or a new hanson song
63. Do you wear contacts or glasses? yes
64. What's the best advice given to you? don't be afraid to be who you are
65. What are your future goals? right now its getting a job up here and raising money to go to Austria in May
66. Hugs or Kisses?: hugs because you can get them from everyone :)<----
67. What song seems to reflect you the most? I have no idea
68. if you died who would you leave stuff to? most likely family and friends
69. Do you have any enemies? i'm sure that i do
70. What is your greatest fear? i really don't know....
71. Would you rather be rich or famous? i'm dont want to be famous, so i guess rich
72. What time is it in Alabama: 10:06pm
73. Have you ever been in love? yes
74. Have you met Santa? two years ago
75. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign asking to use your phone what would u do? hand him the phone and run away
76.When was the last time u talked about how u REALLY feel with someone u can trust? not sure
77. Do you have any pets? yes, gracie!
78.What's your email address?: or
79. Last time you were depressed? last feb.
80. Are you an alcoholic? no
81. Who sent this to you? starla, my darlin!
82. What do you think of this person: shes my ultimate cheesy cousin!
83. Do you want your friends to write back? If they want to, i won't force them
84. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
85. Which is better, League or union?: dunno dont care
86. Name all your friends: in no particular order: Alycia, Amber, Cami, Natalie, Sarah, Jenni, Kat, Christina, Elyse, Aurora, Taylor, Janie, Lindsey, Susie, Gaby, Christine, Keri, Pete, Ryan, Styx, Justin, Peter, Lisa, Cloey, Erin, Heather, Dirk, Ellie.... JP, Starla, Janet, Jesse, Adam, Allison, Nickey, Liz, Chris (others): Chrissy, kristin, Dana, Nicholette, Nina, Steph, etc etc
87. What would you do if the same sex hit on you? laugh nervously
88. What religion are you? catholic...ish
89. Are you one of those people who wait for things to happen, or go out and make things happen? both
90. What is the thing you look forward to the most in your life? seeing where i get in life