[A is for age:]
22. for a limited number of days longer...
[B is for book of choice:]
"A Wrinkle in Time" -- it's the first book that I remember being "wowed" by. Since then: Tom Robbins, Dean Koontz, Sandra Brown...and I've started reading some very good poetry by Sharon Olds...beats that Nazareth complilation of college age students...*gag*
[C is for career:]
Part-time Retail. Welcome to the thankless job of working your ass of only for your hours to be cut b/c some jack off in Atlanta says so.
[D is for your drink of choice:]
Alcohol = Mango rum and orange juice.
Other: Coffee
Anything else only if choice 1 or 2 is unwise
[E is for essential items to bring to a party:]
Camera...and extra change of clothes...
[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
What Christmas Means to Me by Hanson and All I want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey (started the Christmas music the day before Thanksgiving...yay I'm one of THOSE people)
[G is for favorite game:]
Scene It was awesome.
"Golf" the card game...not that thing with clubs (the only Grace my momma gave me was my middle name...)
[H is for holiday:]
Who needs them? I like any reason that my family gets together. It's the best form of entertainment
[I is for instruments you play:]
I played the piano, I attempt it every so often. I played saxophone in high school and played in the Honeoye Community Band this year. :)
[J is for jam or jelly you like:]
Stawberry JAM is the best...followed by Orange Marmalade
[K is for kids:]
At least two: Madison/Madeline Elizabeth and Elijah Michael, after that...who knows?
L is for living arrangements:]
Matt, her fiancee
Jared, his best friend, my ex (in a completley good way)
Jenny, my best friend
Bailey, her son
Libby, her dog
Sadie, my dog
Kimber, my sister's fiancee's dog
Romeo, the cat that owns the house
Abigal, my mom's cat who won't leave the house
[M is for middle name:]
[N is for never, as in “you will never…”:]
Be on Fear Factor my luck I'd have to eat rectum of some sort while spinning around in circles in a dark confined space...no thank you
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
**knock on wood**
[P is for phobias:]
Closed in spaces (see N)
Tend to get worked up over feeling out of control
Chad...not so much the person anymore, but the idea
[Q is for quotes you like:]
I'll write an entry on this one...
[R is for relationship that lasted the longest:]
Josh, though Jared was close
[S is for sundae preference:]
Lactose Intolerant...:( But when I have my lactaid pills...that would have to be a brownie sundae with vanilla ice cream, bananas, cherries, chocolate and carmel syrup and peanuts...if you're going to do it... do it right!!!
[T is for time you wake up:]
Anywhere from 4:30a til 9 am
[U is for unusual fact about you:]
um...I can't believe I'm blanking on this one...
[V is for vegetable you love:]
peas or fresh green beans
[W is for weekday ritual:]
There is no ritual in retail. ( How true Shannon, how true)
[X is for x-rays you've had:]
Teeth. Back. Pinki. :)
[Y is for yummy food you make:]
Pancakes, Waffles, French toast. I make a pretty mean grilled cheese too.
[Z is for zoo animal:]
Dolphins :)