When cars go boom!

Feb 02, 2007 09:42

So on my way home from work last night when all of the sudden I am staring at a set of headlights that is headed straight at me with no time to do anything. She went straight into me head on. I am fine just suffering from a lot of soreness and stiffness and a burn mark on my wrist from the air bag going off ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

magic_7_words February 2 2007, 16:59:14 UTC
Oh, geez, not again.


gracefulscar221 February 2 2007, 17:21:25 UTC
Thats what I say! at least I didnt cause this one. I was just in the wrong place wrong time. At least its someone elses fault. our only concern is that they have enough insurance to cover everybody. 3 cars were hit and at least one is totaled


obewandart February 3 2007, 04:33:33 UTC
I'm so happy you're ok!


gracefulscar221 February 3 2007, 16:10:45 UTC
Thanks I am too. I am very lucky it could have been a heck of a lot worse! But thank God traffic was light.


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