Ok so.. my teacher called me on my cell phone right as I was getting out of the car to go to my Patho exam with a fever still. Long story short, I took it the next day.. (no fever, still hadn't eaten though,) and still don't know how I did.
Fast forward to last thursday night at 1 am as I'm trying to go to sleep before my dosage calculation test. All of the sudden my appetite came back to me and I got really hungry.. so I ate some food and then tried to sleep.. got hungry again so I ate again.. tried to sleep.. this cycle seemed to repeat about every 15 minutes until 6 am.
Then at that point I was so freaked out by the fact that I wasn't getting enough sleep before the exam that it was impossible to sleep for the rest of the night. Except for about 10 minutes at around 8 am and had this weird dream that I was stuck in an old mental hospital with the chairman from Iron Chef and he kept trying to get me to eat this weird food by saying "It's chicken!" and smiling.. and I was like "NO! I only eat vegetables! vegetables!!"
Anyways, the test seemed easy but for some crazy reason I only got an 80%. I get one chance to retake the exam next week and if I don't get at least a 90%, I won't pass the class. If I don't pass the class, I can't move on in the program and will only be accepted back in at a later time,(next year,) if there is space available. haha yeah right space available! what a joke. so I'll pretty much be out of the program.
This test is like my el guapo. It's 20 questions of all different kinds of math problems related to medical stuff and we have to know all kinds of unit conversions (apothacary, grams, liters, IV drip stuff, blah blah blah) in order to even begin to figure out how to solve them. We only have 30 minutes and NO CALCULATOR. Who doesn't hate long division?
No partial credit and it's fill in the answer so if I make one little mistake with rounding early on in a problem it will mess up my answer and I have it entirely wrong.
I am hoping and praying that my mistakes were all due to my morbid lack of sleep and nourishment.. AND that the retake isn't at like, 7 AM because if it is then I'm screwed.
At least I'm feeling better. Still not 100%.. I'm kindof achey and have a headache most of the day but those could be from stress. I can't wait til Christmas.
I cleaned Sheemo's home last night. I had a brain fart and wiped the inside of the glass with toilet paper which of course made a zillion tiny little pieces of TP get mixed in with the water and gravel.. and I was worried that Sheemo would like, be dumb and eat it or choke on it. I cleaned it up and he seems ok now. So much drama.