
Jul 02, 2007 23:09

You Are A Woman!

Congratulations, you've made it to hood.
You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out.
You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat.
This makes you the perfect friend... or even wife!
Are You A Or a Woman?


Your Inner Eye Color Is Brown

You're smart, thoughtful, and the ideal woman for most men
You are kind and easy to trust. Men open up to you like no one else.
It's this inner warmness that attracts guys - and makes you an instant soulmate.
What Color Eyed Woman Are You Really?


You Are a Coy Flirt!

You're not so much a flirt as the type of who draws flirts in
While you look like you're just relaxing, secretly you've got your game on
A little look here, a little wink there... you give men the encouragement they crave
And in return, they flirt up a storm with you - while you just sit and smile
What Kind of Flirty Are You?

Why? WHY?! Why do I do these? I don't even care...

You Are Fall!

What Season Woman Are You?

You Are a Good !

You're into fun - but it has to be your own brand of fun
Drinking? No thanks. You rather spend your time differently...
Whether it's talking with friends, taking up a hobby, or reading
You're not the type to socialize just for socializing's sake!
Are You a Party ?

I could've told you that...

You Have Your PhD in Men

You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.
How Well Do You Understand Men?

Woo. Hoo.

You Are Most Like Christina Aguilera

“I'm experimental by nature...always exploring my creativity.”
What Modern hell Are You Most Like?

Your Gemstone is Amber

Creative, happy, and logical.

You shine in any intellectual endeavor

What Gemstone Are You?

Your Flirt Quotient

You are 20% Flirt
Are You a Flirtatious Woman?

You're Not a Maneater

You like men, and you respect whoever you happen to be with.
Whether it's a fling or a boyfriend, you try to be honest and upstanding.
Of course, you've probably broken a few hearts in your time.
The difference with you is that you didn't mean to!
Are You a Maneater?

Yay. She's not a Maneater.

You're Almost Ready to Get Married, But Not Quite

No doubt that you've warmed up to the idea of marriage and life long love
You just aren't quite ready to follow up with your desires, yet.
You may be a bit young, or a bit commitment phobic... give it time.
Concentrate on guys who you can imagine being with next year. Forever can wait.
Are You Ready To Be A Wife?

You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated
You're a low maintenance kind of ... who can hang with the guys
Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites.
And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.
What Kind of Coffee Are You?


Your Inner Retro Is


What Retro Are You?

No kidding.

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