I had my blood stoled today by the Red Cross. I passed out like I normally do. I was surprised at the amount of people concerned for me about it though.
I really want to get some of the Goth powder foundation for Christmas. You know the stuff that looks like chalk? I love it and I want it all over me hahaha.
Been getting really lonely lately. I was talking to a friend from elementary school for a few hours on IM and just based on what I remembered of him I had feelings for him all of a sudden. Needless to say those feelings abated but it was still pretty pathetic. I still feel a deep attachment to Elijah but from my perspective on how things have headed he doesnt seem to want to have anything to do with me which, as I've said before, doesnt make any sense. I think I'm supposed to be with him, but for now my emotions are screwing around. I want an S.O. very much but I think I just come across as desperate. I don't know what to do. I am the type to roll with what life throws and wait on things as they are far coming but honestly; right now I want life to speed my romantics up a little. I used to always hear "ooooo so and so likes you blah blah blah" but that's rarely the case anymore. Ever. Likely because the guys around here have wised up enough to back off. I just want someone I like to like me and not have problems with it like what happened with Eli. I think that could still work but who knows. It's all up to him now.