Need to find balance

Feb 01, 2010 12:53

I'm trying to make changes in many aspects of my life to bring about balance.  I know, not as easy as it seems, right?  I just feel like everything is spinning out of control lately.  I can't seem to grasp a hold of just one thing and put it in order.  *sigh*

I worked Saturday at the EMT job for 8 hours.  I had a newly single male partner who was more than a bit bitter.  Now I carry a backpack with me at that job.  It has spare contact lenses, my glasses, a comb, tissues, immodium in one pocket, my GPS, charger and my stethescope in another, and on a 12 hour shift day I carry my laptop and some stitching in the main pocket.  He was ragging on me for carrying a bag I didn't go into all shift.  Fact is I did indeed go into the bag.  He just wasn't with me when I did.  Then he came out with "It's a female thing.  You HAVE to carry a bag."  I let it slide.  It was a very slow day, and aside from 2 runs and a coverage at a cheerleading competition it felt longer than my normal 12 hours shifts

I got home from work and began working on dishes and other house stuff.  Picked up stuff that hadn't been thrown out or put away, etc.  I even managed to get different curtains hung up in the dining room yesterday.  It's much brighter in the room now.  I also folded 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom and tried to stay on track with cleaning up after us.  My house is not where I want or need it to be, but it's getting better.  We have a plan for cleaning up the porch and making a sitting area out there for the summer months.  brute_farce 's desk never looked so good!  He cleaned it up when he got home from having his computer fixed.  There were a couple of times where I reminded him gently to put something away, but otherwise he was very very helpful.

When brute_farce got home from having his computer fixed, we logged into WoW.  It's an escape for me.  Except for when the guild your in makes you uncomfortable.  There was a rash of "gay" comments, along with "your mother" types, "rape", and a general hostile feeling.  I asked in GC for them to please stop with the gay comments.  I made sure I said please.  The answer I got was "F*ck you".  I lost my ever loving mind.  I walked away from the keyboard in the middle of an instance.  I went outside and had a smoke.  I was shaking, I was so mad.  I wasn't happy, hadn't been happy for a while, and made the decision to gquit.

brute_farce  and misterbaldy  were talking to the GM about it, and the GM basically said that I was just overly sensitive.  The GM was told I had good reason for being upset.  He didn't care, and basically said I shouldn't be playing WoW with all the comments that fly in Trade chat.  For the record, I ignore Trade chat for that reason.  When you have to start ignoring your guild chat, there's a problem.

Well, all in all 20 toons left Company of Chaos as a result.  misterbaldy started his guild, called The Respectful Eye.  We haven't begun recruiting yet, but will soon I am sure.  I didn't want everyone to follow me when I gquit.  I just knew I couldn't stay anymore.  I have to say that while I was playing yesterday I was far more relaxed, far happier, than I had been in a long time.

Tonight is another night of H1N1 shots.  At least it's in town.
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