(no subject)

Jan 05, 2010 16:14

2009: And that's a wrap!
The Past Year

1) Who kissed you on new years?

2) Did you have any new years resolutions?
no, i never keep them

3) Does it snow where you live?
oh yes

4) Do you like hot chocolate?

5) Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?

1) Who was your Valentine?

2) When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class?
of course!

3) Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
nope, i live in ohio, it's still going to snow

4) What did you receive for valentine's day?
flowers, and a bear :)

1) Are you Irish?

2) Do you like corned beef and cabbage?

3) What did you do for St Patrick's Day?
nothing... possibly partied at jeffs?

4) Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?

1) Do you like the rain?
not particularly, i like big storms though

2) Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
no, i hate april fools

3) Do you get tons of candy for Easter?
nope, just my bag of jelly beans :)

4) Did you celebrate 4/20?
absolutely not

5) Do you love the month of April?
i do, my birthday :)

1) What is your favorite flower?
gerber daisies :) .

2) Finish the phrase "April showers…":
bring may flowers...

3) Do you celebrate May 16th: National Piercing Day?
no, but it's natalie's birthday

4) Is May anything special to you?
natalie's bday

1) What year did/will you graduate from high school?

2) Did you do anything fun during this month?
finished spring semester, went alum from DG.

3) Have a favorite baseball team?

1) What did you do on the 4th of July?
hung out with the family, amanda and marcus, jeff, and dana, brian and kids

2) Did you go to the fireworks?
absolutely, my favorite thing!

3) Did you blast the A/C all day?
no, it wasn't that hot i don't think

4) Did you go on vacation?
nope, i went to school

1) What was your favorite summer memory of '09?
umm, working at CCD i guess :)

2) Did you have a sunburn?
no, haven't seen the sun in a long time

3) Did you go to the pool a lot?
not at all

4) Were you ready for school at all?
Yea i guess, last semester of academia :)

1) Are you attending school?

2) Do you like fall better than summer?

3) What happened this month?
umm, school...

1) What was your last Halloween costume?

2) What is your favorite candy?

3) What was your favorite thing(s) about this month?
halloween party

1) Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
mom and dad's

2) What are you thankful for?
friends, family,

3) Do you love stuffing?
yes :)

4) Anything special in this month?

1) Do you celebrate Christmas?

2) Have you ever been kissed under the mistle toe?

3) Get anything special this year?
new iPod, GPS, and teacher clothes : )

4) What did you want this year?
those things

5) What do you love most about December?
Christmas :)

When was the last time you'd actually hugged your mother?
umm, a lot

Is your Christmas tree up?
not anymore

Do you have a brown piece of clothing? If so, what is it?
a few shirts and shoes

Describe your hair right now.
brown, short, bangs

Do you know anyone named Barton?

Would you ever let your kids watch Spongebob Square pants?
i doubt it .

Go to your local weather site and tell me the current temperature.
very cold...

What does your front door look like?
it's red, and it looks like a door

How about your kitchen one? If you have one that is.
it's white and a door and opens into the garage

Do you have any hats?
yep, steelers, zips, NYC

Vent right here now, about anything:

Don't you think Tyra Banks and Beyonce looks quite similar?

Are you listening to anything right now?
natalie is watching tv

What do you think of the Twilight movie?
don't care

Who did you watch it with?
never watched it

What did you do for New Year's Eve?
went to Akron

Did you watch any Christmas movies?
Jingle All The Way

And so, this year have you been naughty or nice, eh?
both. haha

i'm bored :-\ i need teaching to start asap...
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